
Social Destruction Of Medieval Paris

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This historical study will define the gentrification and social disruption of medieval Paris in the modern urban design of Georges-Eugene Haussmann’s renovation of Paris in the 19th century. Haussmann’s urban design was founded on the revolutionary leadership of Emperor Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte III in the late 1840s to renovate the massive slums and overcrowded tenements of Paris. The modernity of this massive urban project was founded on making wider streets, demolishing slums, and providing better sewage for an ever-increasing population. The destruction of the “medieval” structure of Paris was extremely influential in the design of the modern European city, yet it also brought about the problem of gentrification that alienated and marginalized …show more content…

This type of urban developmental trend became a beacon for other European cities, which also sought to demolish slums as a threat to the middle and upper class sections of urban neighborhoods that were considered an eyesore on a national and international scale. In the 1860s, Haussmann relied heavily on destroying the inhabitants of the working poor in order to achieve space for the overall city’s population, but this was far easier to do than threatening the real estate value of more wealthy building owners and real estate owners of the middle and upper classes that got in the way of Haussmann’s development project. Certainly, some wealthy landowners in Paris had to submit to Napoleon III’s edicts for urban renovation, but these negotiations would involve far more beneficial results in contrast to the displacement of the lower classes during this historical period. More so, gentrification of the old medieval slums would be one such way in which the appeasement of wealthy landowners and real estate moguls could be recompensated for the losses they incurred under Haussmann’s "surgical” demolition of the slums in the interior of the

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