The influence of the population health is based on the role of the government but is not limited within the health sector but by various sectors outside the health systems. The health system is strengthened by the human resource development and the capacity to build and regulate the public health in the important areas of the health sector. The contributions to the health population are derived from the social determinants of health such as the living conditions, education, and the social security measures. Other areas for action are the population stabilization, reducing the impact of climate change on health and improving the community participation. Making public health a shared value across the various sectors is a politically challenging
These are a few potential links between social inequalities and the health of the population: income and wealth distribution, unemployment, the ageing society, gender and health, mental illness and suicide and disability and dysfunction. I am going to discuss each of these and see the health impact on people in each group.
emphasis was on relationships to family, group and country rather than the development of an
“Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people have a greater amount of disadvantage and significantly more health problems than the non-Aboriginal & Torres strait Islander population in Australia”
The social determinants of health can be defined as social and economic conditions in a population that have different effects on the individual and groups levels on health status. They are factors that promote health in an individual`s working and living condition like wealth rather than individual factors like genetics. In this paper, social determinants approaching mental diseases such as depression and as a health issue are addressed. The social determinates that will be discussed is income inequality, discrimination and finally Chronic stress. Depression is timeframe of several weeks whereby an individual has a lot of unhappiness or low morale. In this period, that individual may commit suicide or cause a self-inflicted injury. From the determinant social perspective, this illness is seen to result from
Poverty and war are two social determinants of health that interact directly to shape an individuals life. Eldon Starlight in Richard Wagamese’s Medicine Walk can be identified as an alcoholic who struggles with mental injuries. Many social determinants of health impact Eldon’s health and quality of life, shaping who he is. As we examine the effects of poverty and war we come to understand their influences on Eldon’s life. Poverty and war can have permanently altering effects on an individual’s life.
Social inequities in health result from unequal distribution of social, economic, cultural and historical determinants. It is vital to identify these factors to reduce health inequalities and to improve health status of people. This essay depicts information on two social determinants of health that affect different vulnerable groups in terms of their socioeconomic position and ethnicity.
Education has an imperative correlation to health outcomes. The following presented case study will demonstrate an example of how the social determinants of health have a direct impact on health status. Mrs. Smith is a 68-year-old female who was bad a diagnosis of type I diabetes for 37 years. She has developed a pressure ulcer on her left foot, which has increasingly worsened and become necrotic in certain areas. She has had uncontrolled diabetes for many years and often does not prescribe to her medication regiment “because those things don’t really work anyways.” She often has difficulties self-administering her insulin doses or understanding which dosage she should take of the short-acting insulin. Additionally, she has had a poor
Another U.S. study found that low availability of emotional support and low social participation were associated with all-cause mortality.
Health is the basis of ones life and many factors contribute to the determination of ones health and state of being. Health care in Canada unlike many other countries is supposed to be one of the great equalizers as we all have access to the Ontario healthcare insurance policy however there is still great inequality in eligibility and social determinants of health that build up to this need for care. It is simply stated by many theorists attempting to understand health and health care determinants that the higher your income and economic status the greater opportunity advantaged to you to possess a healthier life and better chance at longevity. A new study from Statistics Canada shows that income inequality is associated with the premature
A communicable disease chain is the mechanism by which an infective agent or pathogen is transmitted. The chain requires an infective agent, a source of infection, a mode of transmission and a host. An example of an infective agent could be bacteria, a virus, fungus, protozoan or helminth. The source of infective agents can be transmission from host to host, an infected human or animal, insects, soil or livestock. The mode of transmission is how the infective agent is carried from host to host. Transmission can be by air, ingestion or physical contact. To complete a life cycle or to replicate, the infective agent requires a host.
these issues though those might be temporary. A final solution will have to be a national policy change in immigration, however, until then we could pursue some international options to aid undocumented immigrants in the United States.
In the last few years, nurses and other healthcare professionals (HCPs) are under the spotlight of the media and the public due to issues addressed in documents such as The Francis Report (2010). This is good in a sense though as it gives us the opportunity to better ourselves as HCPs and improve the standard of care for everyone. It is now a widely known idea that there are many different factors that affect our health and wellbeing not just biological factors as believed to be the case not very long ago when a biological view was taken when addressing a person's health. However, this has all changed for the better where now healthcare is individualised, holistic and takes in to account the individuals own circumstances i.e. the social determinants of health and wellbeing (social determinants), not a simple one size fits all approach. This essay is going to discuss some of these factors so that we can learn to reduce these inequalities in healthcare and make great healthcare more accessible to everyone. The factors that will be discussed are individual lifestyle choices, housing conditions and .
This essay will discuss ways in which a person’s socioeconomic class and his/her social situation can have an impact on his/her health, using examples. We believe that there is a direct link between socioeconomic/social class and health (Adler et al. 1994). I will be defining the key terms: socioeconomic and health, social class then proceed to discuss about how poverty, income, employability, environment and housing can impact on a person’s social situation and their health.
When looking at the social determinants that affect the health and wellbeing of the population it is important to have an understanding of what these terms mean. Health is defined in the oxford dictionary as being free from illness or injury however many argue that to be of good health does not necessarily mean to be completely free from illness and disease. The American Nurses Association in 2010 argued that everyone will go through times of good health and times of illness and that “the presence of illness does not preclude health, nor does optimal health preclude illness.” The social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age and how these can influence our health. (WHO 2012). Arguably one of the main influences of health is the environment that people are living in and how their housing conditions can impact on their health and quality of life.
Social determinants of health are social, economic and physical factors that affect the health of individuals in any given population. There are fourteen social determinants of health but Income is perhaps the most important of these because it shapes living conditions, influences health related behaviors, and determines food security. In Canada, people with lower incomes are more susceptible to disease/ conditions, higher mortality rate, decreased life expectancy and poorer perceived health than people with high incomes. In numerous Canadian studies and reports, there has been more emphasis on health being based on an individual’s characteristics, choices and behaviours, rather than the role that income plays as a social determinant of health. Although Canada has one of the highest income economies in the world and is comprised of a free health care system, many low income families are a burden on the system because of the physical and mental health issues influenced by income insecurity. Low income individuals are heavier users of health care services because they have lower levels of health and more health problems than do people with higher incomes. This essay will address income as a social determinant of health in three key sections: what is known on the issue, why the issue is important and how can health and public policies address the issue. The main theme that runs through the essay is the income related health inequalities among low income groups compared to