
Social Inequality Depicted In The Movie, The Help

Satisfactory Essays

I chose the movie The Help. I watched the movies back in 2011, but after watching it recently; I can better understand the injustices throughout the movie. The movie takes place in the early 60s, in Jackson, Mississippi. Segregation is very much alive and thriving. The focus of the movie was on Aibileen Clark, a colored maid, and her story. With the help of Eugenia “Skeeter” Phelan, a determined writer, her story and others were able to be heard. The key point was the mistreatment of the maids. The first sign of social inequality was the signs. Only white, colored entry only, black to the back on the buses, and the separate bathrooms. This made white people feel superior to others, causing the colored folks to feel interior. This attitude

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