Everyone has been afraid of someone or something at one point in their lifetime. Having fears as a child is completely normal, but as a child everyone may have learned their fears from those who they have been around. Having fears of the paranormal can be influenced by family, religion, culture, and society.
The first interaction a child has is with their family and because of that they are the first to influence them. Family can sometimes deliberately instill fear as a form of control or to scare children from doing something that they do not want them to do. There was a study done by Argyris and Knowles to determine whether or not fear could be taught to children by information. They did an experiment using children 7–9 years old. Each
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If someone is having an argument or a debate about whether or not paranormal existence is something that is real, then they would be in a situation where they may second guess their beliefs. Those who do second guess any of their beliefs do so because they were presented with a logical or a persuasive argument. It can be easy to be persuaded by your peers in social situations because many may want to be liked or accepted by them. The same article says, “For mere exposure to be sufficient for paranormal beliefs to spread, a passive social influence process must transpire, a process that is patterned by preexisting social networks and by the consumer demographics for radio and television programs, movies, books, magazines, and newspapers.” Which means that what people see, hear, or watch on TV may cause them to have beliefs of the supernatural. In the more recent years there have been many television shows that revolve around ghosts and proving their existence. The Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures is a show about three men who travel around the world to places that are allegedly haunted. In each episode it shows the group traveling to their destination while they give some background on some unexplainable events that people have experienced. Once they arrive they set up their equipment and give an explanation on each device they will use throughout the episode. A majority of the show focuses on the crew attempting to communicate with any spirits that may be near. The remainder of the time is spent on the crew reviewing footage and audio trying to see if they can hear or see anything that they may have missed while filming. Those who watch shows like Ghost Adventures, My Ghost Story Caught on Camera, or Celebrity Ghost Stories may be more inclined to develop fears of the supernatural due to the content of the shows. At
It’s been said that ghost are not real and real.Let me tell you a little bought what i think and facts about ghost poltergeist and paranormal activity.
There are two components for fear, they are biochemical response and emotional reaction. Even when we prepare ourselves for what is coming, there are still moments when we can hear our heart beating out of our chest, we start to sweat, and feel the adrenaline pumping through our bodies. Biochemical fear, which is an automatic response is likely to be an evolutionary trait. Say you hear the leaves crackling against the cool Fall pavement and the hiss of something unknown in the darkness. This image creates a fight or flight response within and we have to make a choice quickly to stay or to go. While biochemical responses to fear are universal, emotional reactions to fear more individualized and physical. Emotional fear has little place when discussing the Boogeyman because children do not go out looking for their monster in the night. Their fear is rational to them and leads to stress when they think they are dealing with this creature of the night. (MacDonald). Just read this child’s rhyme about the Boogeyman if you need to see the effects this fear
This shows that people thought it was super entertaining to hear some of these stories of people communicating with the dead. In the article "The Haunted House" by Valerie Worth it talks about some people go in and explore a old, earey haunted house, but they are not scared. I the article it says “Its echoes, Its aching stairs, Its doors gone stiff at the hinges, Remind us of its Owners, who Grew old, who Died, but Who are still Here: learning In the closet like That curtain rod, Sleeping on the cellar Shelf like this empty jelly jar.” (Worth 9). This shows that people there going out of there way to in some way get to interact with ghost, because it entantering to people to be scared. In conclusion, people are addicted to being scared, and hearing these stories of people talking to the dead which simply can not be understudied, or even scientifically
Many people ask what are ghost. A ghost is an apparition of a dead person that is believed to appear or become manifest to the living, typically as a cloud/hazy image. They are all over the world and most likely in your own home. I have had my fair share of experiences with ghost. For example I was pushed down the stairs by a ghost and or I was not being careful. I was also with by brother and we heard footsteps and laughing upstairs when nobody was home except us. My brother had heard a demon and that's why I am a firm believer of the supernatural. You never know, you may have some experiences like me.
Children have many fears which should be acknowledged by adults. Fears are often the underlying cause of aggressive behavior, withdrawn behavior, and physical symptoms. Oaklander reads a book about fear to children then encourages them to tell a story about fear. Picture cards and drawing fears with lines, shapes, symbols, or colors also help children share their fears. Just like adults, children have stressful situations and traumatic experiences.
There are many mysteries throughout everywhere. They have scared for centuries or maybe only years. Although some become legends. They spook reads. Although it's up to you to believe or call them myths, but some things cannot be explained. No scientists can explain ghosts completely, there is too much evidence and only not enough. Would you believe in ghosts after an encounter? mostly likely. If you believe or not believe something can't be proved so ill let you be the judge if its myth or mystery.
What causes fear? Often times fear is caused by ones imagination. This is evident in the Edgar Allan Poe short story “The fall of the house of usher” and the movie “The sixth sense” directed by Minight shyamalon. Imagination over comes reason when people are afraid. Imagination overcomes reason when people are afraid.
A ghost, according to the article “History of Ghosts” on History.com, is a person's spirit once it has separated itself from the body after death. Also known as specters, ghosts continue existing even after the heart stops and the corpse is cold, and they fall under the category of paranormal phenomena. When something is considered paranormal, it simply means that science has no explanation for it. So if science can't explain it, it can't be real, right? Not necessarily. It just means that it hasn't been proven a fact, it's all in theory. But Jack Porter makes a valid point in his article, “The Study of Paranormal Phenomenon is a Legitimate Science”, when he says, “It is important to remember the Big Bang is a theory, but that is still
intention but popularity. According to Ruickbie, the show Ghost Hunters, even as popular as it
All they have to study is the accounts of others. “The appeal of vanishing hitchhiker lies in the nature of the encounter an interaction with a ghost that occurs not because the main character went looking for the supernatural, but because it came to him. Such tales underscore the belief that representatives from the spirit world can be encountered at any time and by anyone. Adding to the horror factor is the specter’s passing for a living person. That the driver does not recognize it as a ghost during their time together makes it all that more easy to believe we won’t recognize a ghost when we meet one, either.”(“The Vanishing Hitchhiker”). The many recorded vanishing hitchhiker sightings all have one thing in common, the fact that it always seen by one who is not searching for the lore. With countless folklorists going out in search of these beings and them all coming up empty, has convinced many of them that the lore is false, only to have been cultivated and nurtured by newspapers and social
Another cause for people having fear is the past experiences they have had. Generally, if something bad has happened to somebody, they try to forget about it and/or they try to make sure it never happens again. However, in doing so, they still have a subconscious fear that something similar to the terrible event they’ve experienced may somehow manage to happen again, especially if there are a few similarities between the past event and the current situation. For example, if a man had surgery for his heart to perform better and he nearly died, he may be very reluctant to ever have surgery to his heart or any other body part(s) again.
Ghosts, as with any other misunderstood group or people, have been preyed upon by others without understanding. The lack of knowledge about ghosts and haunting activity has led people astray as to what they really are. What Hollywood and television portrays is very inaccurate and cannot be relied upon as truthful. They show these spirits of the dead as being evil in nature, filled with malice and harmful intent. But that this is not the case. The field of paranormal activity is amazing. It has caught the imagination of people from every walk of life. It has always interested me and has influenced me to pick this as the topic for my research. Through this research I wish to uncover the truth about the existence of ghosts.
Some fears that are common are fear of the dark, thunder-lightning storms, and supernatural beings (boogy man/ someone something under the bed).I remember always crying that there was a fox at my window by my bed. Later the fear tend to turn to more fear that are movie or television furled or come from scary events. Children can have a phobia of school that may come from harsh teachers, stress and bullies. Children of the age five to seven may have problems being away from home. The years eleven to thirteen can be hard if there are harsh living conditions in which create anxieties, even problems in school.
the ranks of the 'ghost hunters' are growing. This is most likely due to the fact that American
primarily afraid of what a ghost may do to him; but of the mere fact