
Social Location Assignment

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It is typical of me to preface my reflective assignments with my social location so you, the reader, may better understand my perspective before I begin with the details of the assignment. I do not plan to reflect on aspects of my social location until I analyze my values, deriving from aspects of my upbringing. I was born, and raised, in Saskatoon Saskatchewan Treaty Six, in the early era of 1990’s. In my infancy there were Residential Schools still active and the Sixties Scoop was still in effect (Niessen, 2017, p. 42). I am from a Ukrainian ancestry, my status was middle-class, and I was from a nuclear family with very loving and supportive parents. The values instilled in me by my upbringing has influenced my current job as a Youth Care Worker (YCW) for a residential program for youth in Saskatoon. My responsibilities of this job are to support youth in their holistic health, and most importantly, maintain their safety. The individuals I work with have had traumatic upbringings and are vulnerable to be re-traumatized with “high-risk” behaviours. High-risk behaviours will be defined in this piece as being drug use, gang affiliation, running, sexual abuse, suicide ideation, and suicidal behaviours. I work with six girls who I perceive as suffering from generational trauma. Like me, these girls are influenced by colonialism, and could be confused about their identity. They will often run from the safety of the …show more content…

I believe each person has the ability to obtain self-actualization and be successful in a purpose for life. Furthermore, I find the CASW Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Ethical Practice seems to support my personal values. I am not condemning individuals who take their own lives, mental illness is not a persons fault, and blame is unnecessary. However, I want to encourage purpose to life, an alternative to

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