There are many misconceptions about Sundays and its effect on people. I’m here to clear it up from the male’s perspective, and to show women how to deal with these behaviors. Many women believe that Sunday is a sacred day, a time to be together with the one you love most and go to church . This is true, but Sunday is also the time for sports, testosterone driven activities, and for males to hang out with the other males. Sundays seems to bring out a primal instinct inside us men that lays dormant through out the week. These instincts are brought out by the excitement of sports and the surrounding. So here are some insights into our behaviors, eating habits, and our rituals to let you understand us better during these times. …show more content…
In very few cases, sometimes the opposite sex has been known to attend these strictly male rituals. The female species who attend these rituals are there to present a more heterosexual atmosphere to the gathering. So please don’t try to invite yourself, if we want you to come we will invite you.
At these places males are very loud and obnoxious High fives, hand shakes and group chants are a common sight at these places. But there is a mutual respect among us on Sundays; we don’t do things that will upset other males, at least not on purpose. No one goes out to these gatherings to look for trouble, because all males believe that Sundays are a time for peace. Sometimes fights do break out between males, but these incidents are very few. Those who break this unwritten code are banned from such rituals for how ever long it is required
Other strange behaviors that Sundays tend to bring out in the male species are the overwhelming urge to fix everything he owns. This urge can be both helpful and harmful depending on the subject. Helpful because things males own will get fix, but harmful because this urge also come out in males that doesn’t have a clue on how to fix anything. This urge emerges because of the male species’ need to feel needed and masculine. Males believe that in order to truly be a man he must be able to do thing that the opposite can not do, mainly fix things and hard labor. This
Some of the "rituals" as a Mormon, are that every Monday evening we get together as a family and do some kind of activity together. It is called "family home evening". We do activities such as getting together to watch a movie, have dinner together, go to the park, the movies, an event, or even play board games. The point of this day is to reunite as a family and share some family quality time. Being that we all have things to do in our personal lives, work, school, hobbies, etc, sometimes families don't really share moments together because of their different schedules and what not, so we do this once a week to catch up, share a time together, and if there is anything to talk about as a family it's the perfect time to do it, if there is
Women are portrayed as needy, whiny, and downright annoying, a burdensome background noise that distracts one's attention from more important matters -like football games, for example. This particular trope is also harmful to men painting them as lazy, uncaring, and somewhat football obsessed slobs that would rather sleep in a garage for a week than help their wives do the laundry. While this trope is degrading to both genders in two opposite ways, it comes together to normalize unhealthy relationships, one where responsibilities are not shared, feelings are not validated nor heard out, and ignoring the needs of one's partner is commonplace. This goes hand in hand with the "marriage is the end of a man's freedom" trope. Which again, harms genders in two separate ways teaching girls to believe that they are nothing more than a heavy deadlock around the necks of the men they love, and teaching boys that cherishing the relationship they are in is not manly. People organize their knowledge about the world around them by sorting and simplifying information then creating representations of the reality displaying its most typical elements and properties. This is responsible for defining the essence of our worldview and has a significant influence on social
Nature vs. Nurture? The debate has obsessed the minds of psychologists and philosophers for many years, each arguing their idea is the right way. ABC aired a TV documentary "Boys and Girls are Different" hosted by John Stossel to show some of the leading feminists ideas and their opponents thoughts.
My beliefs and view on the gender ideology towards work and family is more weighed on one side (Masculine) and partly on the other (Feminine). It is evident that the ‘Masculine’ gender is more dominant in our society and because of this; there is more expectation and responsibility for the masculine gender. However, there is a continual inclusion trend in which we are witnessing the feminine gender assume some roles of the masculine gender. But overall, the masculine effect is still dominant. I personally feel that there should be a good balance of work and family responsibility by the men. It is necessary that the ‘Men’ are mostly responsible for taking the role of the breadwinner of the family therefore, the working hours of the men would have to be met as required by the employer. For example, working 40 hours a week is the minimum in the US but varies in some other places. In a case whereby the man has to take an overtime shift just to meet the needs of the family.
The article “How Boys Become Men” written by Jon Katz, gives a positive statement on how boys still haven’t change and are still growing up the same. Jon Katz, shares with us while walking his dog one day, he saw a boy get beaten by a group of older boys. While walking towards him, Katz asked if he was okay; the boy said yes and begun to swing like nothing happened. I believe that what Jon Katz states is true, because the fact is; boys are always going to think they’re the Alpha Male in every situation. For example: who can climb the highest Rock, who can make a bigger splash in the pool or who can maybe get a girlfriend first.
The definition of masculinity; Is the fact of being a man or having qualities considered typical of a man.
“Friend stopped, stood still, and braed himself.. see I’m no chicken” (Katz 221). Male maturation is a very complex sophisticated process. In “How Boys Become Men” Jon Katz takes on the challenge and head ache of analyzing this process. He explains how learning one of the central ethics of the gender is experiencing pain rather than showing fear and emotion. We do so by taken on challenges because we feel obligated to in front of our friends in order to not look cowardly. How we demonstrate machismo and lack commitment, how we do whatever we can to fit into the society around us and are willing to do anything just to resemble coolness and absolutely no tolerability of getting pushed around. It called Guy Code, a set of
All across the world, since the dawn of time, men have taken a dominate role in society in their everyday lives. This role
In previous writing classes I have taken, the main focuses were on the structure – introduction, thesis, body, and conclusion – of a five-paragraph essay. We discussed topics based on some reading assignments and quoted sentences from them. Therefore, taking 39B is a new perspective to me. First of all, the class started with the rhetorical triangle – consisting of the rhetor, the audience, and the purpose – and the fish bowl – a metaphor of historical context. In the beginning, I thought it was a common sense of the writers as they would already consider the components of their writing, such as context, audience, medium, venue, purpose, and genre. However, when I am introduced to some examples – not necessarily a book, an article, or an academic
One central and important study of sociology is the study of everyday social life. Everyday life and sociology are definitely two distinct terms and situations, but they hold a close relationship. While sociology studies human interaction, everyday life consists of everyday human interaction. Everyday life is filled by human beings interacting with one another, institutions, ideas, and emotions. Sociology studies the interactions with all of these and shows how mere interaction resulted in things like ideas and institutions.
Dave Barry is a Pulitzer Prize-winning humorist whose syndicated column appears in more than 500 newspapers. Barry’s published works, totaling more than 25, include ‘Stay Fit and Healthy until You’re Dead’ (1985), ‘Dave Barry Hits Below the Beltway’ (2001), and ‘Dave Barry’s Complete Guide to Guys: A Fairly Short Book’ (1995). The preface to Barry’s book ‘Dave Barry’s Complete Guide to Guys: A Fairly Short Book’, ‘Guys vs. Men’, is his perspective on the difference between “Guys” and “Men.” While both words no doubt bring to mind an image of a human male, they are very different in there description of that male. First, guys like to buy “neat” things that they don’t really need. Also, guys like a really pointless challenge. Last, but not
Compare and contrast the representation of masculinity in two films or TV series of your choice.
We as a human race have become a byproduct of our society. Through media, technology, and social pressure, humans no longer run society, but it seems like we are run by society. The quote from sociologist Peter Berger states “Not only do people live in society but society lives in them” This statement is referring to a form of social control were groups and the people in those groups conform to society partially knowingly and partially as a reflection based on dominant social expectations. As I further explain Berger’s statement I will explain how individuality, identity, and freedom fit in to such a predetermined future.
It is a well-known fact that men and women have vastly different styles of nearly everything, communication not excluded. Women tend to be more talkative and emotional whereas men are usually reserved and not quite as open with their emotions. Many differences indeed exist between the spoken language of males and females. What about body language? Nonverbal cues are often difficult to notice and even harder to understand. Some people may not even realize when they are communicating in this sense. Like the spoken word, nonverbal communication usually varies between males and females, depending on relationships, environments, and circumstances. Learning why different genders communicate in this manner, the various ways in which they do this,
During the 19th century, women were controlled by a male dominated society. The women were in pure agony knowing that there was no faith for them to have a crucial change in civilization. This could often lead to “clinical depression” in which a human could feel lonely, empty, confounded and miserable. In this time period, women’s role in society was to be simply mothers and wives. A world where women had rights, control, and power was a fantasy. According to Hall, he states, “Key to all feminist methodologies is the belief that patriarchal oppression of women through history has been profound and multifaceted” (Hall 202). In other words, it is known that the male takes complete cruel supremacy over the years in our history. In The