
Social Medi A Digital Word Of Mouth For Companies

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Social Media: “A Digital Word of Mouth for Companies” Today, I will be informing you of Social Media’s role in the success of modern-day companies, and how FACEBOOK particularly aids in these companies success. To begin, I believe it would be of the essence that I offer you feedback on the whole idea of what social media is all about. Early in elementary school, we were taught that we live in a world filled with two people: consumers and producers. Consumers are those of us who seek some sort of service from producers, and, vice versa, producers seek to provide consumers with those desires at a cost. With that being mentioned, these interactions between consumers and producers are the exact reasons that many new companies are being started, each day. In fact, a 2014 study was carried out in the U.K, by Enterprise Editor, Rebecca Burn-Callander. Burn-Callander mentions that 581,000 new businesses were founded in 2014 in the U.K., and that is in excess of one business being started per minute! An extensive percentage of those businesses, in my opinion, were birthed through cyberspace— Social Media to be exact… So, as you may already know, for centuries, people have been developing more and more advanced and technological methods of convenient communication. With regards to those advancements, society has, over the years, evolved and shifted the world through its creation of social media. Having access to social media is generally a way of “having the world at your

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