
Social Media And Its Effects On Society

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Social Media Social Media has it’s pros and cons, but this has made it 1000 times easier to connect with family and friends. We can go on and on about the first social media sites but we cannot argue what became more popular the fastest. Social media have developed dramatically over the past 16 years from Friends Reunited to Instagram we’ve created ways to entertain people and communicate with celebrities and people all over the nation. People have also portrayed an image that may not even be their own, nowadays we call it “catfish.” There are pros and cons of social media, with pros being such a long, list this is why it still exist. When you join social media people automatically follow you... Yes, you can suggest that maybe they are robots, but nine times out of ten they are bored and want more followers. A few pros of social media include: connecting with students from your school and other schools, making new friends as well as contacting old ones, put yourself out there artistically and building a business. In turn social media has it’s cons which include: inappropriate statuses, pictures, or conversations and cyberbullying. People find it a lot easier to voice their opinion through social media because they believe they are 100% clear from danger. Popularity seemed to have been gained from social media and it also depended on how popular the network is. February 4th of 2004, a social media network, Facebook, was launched by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates at Harvard

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