
Social Media On Bullying And Suicide Behavior

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On a personal level, social network has a strong link to user’s self-esteem and may lead to serious problems. “Social support […] has been linked to higher self-efficacy in online support networks for diet and physical activity interventions” (1 p9). A study in Harvard University over a period of thirty-two years highlights that obesity may spread in social network "by diverse psychological means, such as changing the ego’s norms about the acceptability of being overweight, more directly influencing the ego’s behaviors" (3). The research points out that "People are connected, and so their health is connected" (qtd in Christakis and Fowler 378). In addition, new evidence is emerging for the influence of the social media on bullying and suicide behavior. In 2012, “800,000 [children] were harassed or subjected […] of cyberbullying on Facebook” (Consumer Report). Under those conditions via the Internet such as message boards, social platforms “may also pose a risk for vulnerable groups by influencing decisions to die by suicide” (2 p197). In fact, people rarely recognize the power of the words could affect reader’s emotion and thoughts. Recently, according to the report of Hinduja and Patchin, “victims of cyberbullying were almost two times as likely to attempt suicide than those who were not” (2 p196). Social network impacts on the micro level on both mental and physical.
On a societal level, social network is invented at first as a mean of communication in order to bind

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