
Social Media's Influence On Eating Disorders

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Approximately a half million teens in the US struggle with eating disorders or disordered eating. Eating disorders are any range of psychological conditions of unusual or abnormal eating habits such as overeating, starvation, or both. Eating disorders are caused by genetics, psychological problems, and environmental factors. Social media is an environmental factor that has many damaging effects on self-image and is also one of the main causes of eating disorders. Opposing views claim that social media isn’t a huge factor in the development of eating disorders (Karges 1) and that if social media did affect the development of an eating disorder, it would be categorized under the psychological problems instead of environmental factors. This is wrong because many studies show that the more time someone spends on social media, the higher their chances of developing an eating disorder are, so social media is able to influence eating disorders. Social media is also a factor …show more content…

Furthermore, Anorexia is the most common eating disorder (Klein 12). It is self-starvation until the victim is gaunt and emaciated, which leads to many detrimental health problems. Some physical effects of Anorexia are; dry skin, wasting muscles, brittle bones, weak heart, dizziness, downy hair growing on back and arms, menstruation stopping, possible infertility, and even brain damage, kidney and heart failure. As well as physical, there are also mental/psychological effects of Anorexia. Some of these mental effects are; low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, and distorted self-image, as many anorexics believe they are still fat even after losing much weight and becoming emaciated. Anorexia is a disease of the brain, and these effects connect with this. Ultimately, Anorexia has many negative effects on the human body, physically and

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