The most significant viewpoint of the Social Learning Theory (SLT) states that modeling (observational learning) can influence alcohol and drug use (or any other substance related behaviors) in three ways:
• Firstly, the acquisition (starting to use alcohol) is the tendency to repeat a pattern of behaviour if a person observes similar the use of substances in the environment, he/ she will become more likely to imitate them;
• Secondly, inhibition and disinhibition (strengthening or weakening the restraints against alcohol use) is the tendency in the person to view other people as giving in to temptation or resisting the temptation to use addictive substances, he/ she becomes more likely to giver in or resist the use of these addictive substances;
• Thirdly,
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When expectations are formed, the person subjectively evaluates the outcome or the consequences of a particular activity or Outcome Expectation. For e.g. the effects of relaxation after consuming alcohol is perceived as positive. The theory emphasizes that there are various aspects of alcohol drinking patterns such as Direct Positive Outcomes (the repetition of an action due to influence of the family, peer and society) and Negative Reinforcement (the repetition of actions even though negative such as drinking alcohol to block out arguments with family members). Further, the theory proposes Observational Learning (reinforcement of behaviour will occur when the person is exposed to such situations) such as watching peers having fun when intoxicated. The Social learning model also suggests that alcohol drinking is impacted by Environmental Learning (other people give approval by accepting the person to the group). The Cognitive Learning occurs when alcohol drinking is associated with stress relief and positive alcohol expectancies such as increased sociability, courage,
According to learning theories, social learning theory is the view that people learn by observing others (CHEGG). The social learning theory shapes behaviors and attitudes, in ways that promote law breaking criminal activity. Social learning theory is associated with the work of Albert Bandura. Albert Bandura believed that
First, biological predisposition. SR grew up in a family where drinking alcohol was a past time, not only did his uncle drink, but his father was a heavy drinker as well. Addictions are moderately to highly heritable (Bevilacqua, & Goldman, 2009). SR’s childhood expriences and environment also played a part in the development of his alcohol addiction as well. He witnessed his family members drinking, and was often given alcohol at a young age, which more than likely led to the adoption of modeled behaviors. According to the learning model addiction is simply a learned behavior. The importance of environment has been theorized to reflect the important influence of social and familial structure that characterizes development across adolescence (Meyers & Dick, 2010). While his addiction probably didn’t develop during this time it seemed to be the catalyst for his later
With college students, 18-24 years old, problematic drinking has developed into a public health issue across the country. High school student’s anticipation to attend college is at an all-time high due to the embracement of fraternity parties and the drinking that is encouraged, rather than getting an education or degree. I use the word “encouraged” because the partygoers are sometimes pressured to drink to have fun. Not only can alcohol become addictive but it can also lead to experiment with other drugs. In this paper the bio-psychosocial approach will be used to review what is prompting students to abuse alcohol.
In Townshend & Duka’s (2001) dot probe detection experiment, they studied the various expectations people may have concerning the outcome of consuming alcohol. They found that heavy drinkers expect to become more sexual and social while light drinkers expect more negative effects. Fulfilling this expectation at a frat party may perpetuate increased social status among their peers because of perceptions of what it means to be “cool.” These expectations and perceptions lead to heavy drinking through the three phases of action. The intention is to get drunk to appear more sexually or socially desirable; the specification is to drink alcohol and become more cool; the execution is to consume an excessive amount of alcohol.
One theory that describes are the sociological theories. This tells us that deviant behaviors, such as crime and illegal drug use, are learned within a social context (differential association) in which groups define the behaviors as good. Drugs use and its pleasurable effects are learned from subcultures with which the individual becomes afflicted. Many people are taught to use and abuse. There is a drastic increase in the likelihood of abuse if they grow in a specific social class. This is best explained by the social learning theory which tells us that we learn from what we observe. If we see people committing crimes, abusing drugs they will likely follow suit. Social conditions play an important role in the etiology of addiction. Like the broken windows theory, the will to use or commit crime will be lower because the knowledge and influences will be
People drink in many ways, for many different reasons. We drink socially, to gain acceptance into a group. We drink alone to ease stress, to cope with our problems, or we “drink because we like the taste or how it makes us feel”#. Often drinking is a learned behavior, starting out as a social drinker; you quickly become psychologically and physically dependent. When someone reaches this stage they are often classified as an alcoholic. To an alcoholic, drinking becomes a compulsion; they cannot stop themselves from having another drink, like a social drinker can. In many cases alcoholics don’t even have to drink continuously in order to be an alcoholic. One the problems of alcohol addiction is that it’s something that doesn’t just effect the individual but it effects, friends and family as well. Spouse abuse, child abuse and dysfunctional family relationships can all be influenced by alcohol abuse.
Based on the results, they found that the role of friends in leisure activities affect the binge drinking behaviour, which supported by the Social Development Model (Catalano & Hawkins, 1996). In this model, it proposed that the influence of social learning and control affect the behaviour. For example, if the person like to engage with the prosocial behaviours group, they will develop the same behaviour with the group which is prosocial behaviour, and if they like to join the antisocial group, they will get the same antisocial behaviour from that group (Catalano & Hawkins, 1996). This factor contributed highest frequency associated in binge drinking based on Sanchez et al (2011). Most of student drinking when they were going out with their
Essentially, the conditions in which one lives may be enough to result in turning to alcohol and depending on one’s perception and susceptibility, alcohol abuse may
as a general concept, social learning theory has been applied to the many different fields of social science to explain why certain individuals develop motivation to commit (or abstain from) crime and develop the skills to commit crime through the people they associate with. Social Learning Theory (SLT) is one of the most frequently looked at theories in the criminology field. This theory was introduced by Ronald L. Akers as a reformulation of Edwin H. Sutherland 's (1947) differential association theory of crime meld with principles of behavior psychology (Bradshaw, 2011). Akers retained the concepts of differential association and definitions from Sutherland 's theory, but conceptualized them in more behavioral terms and
Reciprocal determinism plays an important role in public health issues. The three key factors which are behavior, person, and environment all play a role in whether or not a person drinks. For example, a person starts drinking due to the environment or people they are surrounded by who influence them to drink. According to the textbook, “influences in the social and physical environment, such as peer influence, level of family support, characteristics of the neighborhood, and work and school environment that help or hinder opportunities for health” (Richard Riegelman and Brenda Kirkwood). Also, these people can either help the person or influence the person in a negative way which leads them to start drinking. On the other hand, it could
It is likely that participants in past studies applied a sexual interaction scripts which assumes that a man is entitled to sex if a woman leads him on (Lovell, 1995). Moreover, alcohol expectancies, which are the cognitive, behavioral and affective expectations of individual's behavior under the effects of alcohol, are shown to moderate the responsibility attributed to drinking perpetrators (Williams, 1996). In other words, when somebody has consumed alcohol, we have a certain expectation of the behavior under the effects of alcohol which in turn should make us assign less responsibility to the perpetrator. This is because we expect the person to have low inhibitions and we attribute these behaviors as situational and one time occurrence. This leads us to give a benefit of doubt to the
Though all the presentations were interesting, the presentation I enjoyed the most was Isabelle’s regarding Russetiden in Norway. The reason for that is because when I was Russ I remember that it felt like a group pressurize sometimes that we had to drink. I enjoyed hanging with friends and going to different arrangements and meet other Russ people. However, I would feel that the social learning theory would be the one that could also be applied for this. It could be applied because this theory is examined drinking behaviors during the transition period from high school to college. According to this theory, human behavior is learned through interaction and observation of others in a social context. Specifically, there is a strong correlation between socio-environmental influences and college drinking behavior. And since I'm from two cultural backgrounds, where in Persian culture we don't have suck alcohol parties when we graduate, I felt that I had to join just to now get excluded. I also felt that I enjoyed learning about the disease, I had no ideas that these two were connected, and I certainly did not think about it when I was young and drank during this celebration. I was russ in 2007, while this occurred in 2011, that the 18 year old boy died from viral meningitis. In this case I agreed with Isabell that the
Social Learning Theory (SLT) is one of the most widely recognized theories of criminology because of it’s success in describing deviant and criminal behaviors. SLT explains how individuals learn to behave based on interaction with others, as well as through one’s experiences in their immediate environment (Miller & Morris, 2016). In addition, individual’s deviant behavior is shaped through reinforcement and punishment, imitation and differential reinforcement. Because this theory is so prominent in the criminological field, it has been researched and tested numerous times in order to prove its effects on deviant behavior. (Cochran et al, 2017).
Every problem has a beginning, where the domino effect starts. In most cases people get started drinking not because they like it, but because it is illegal and it gives them a chance to rebel. The so-called “rebel” becomes bored of drinking alone and eventually seeks “company” when they are drinking. The only catch is that the “rebel” can not be the only one drinking so the “company” has to drink. This is where the problem with peer pressure and teenage drinking begins and the first domino starts the chain reaction. There are two types of peer pressure. There is direct peer pressure where a subject’s peers actually force him into having a drink. There is also indirect peer pressure where the subject enters a setting and his peers are drinking so he decides to have a drink to fit in with the rest of his peers (Articles-Teenage Drinking 2). Surveys show that alcohol abuse is related to teenage activities such as going on dates and going to parties (Teenage Alcohol Misuse 2).
A research in particular conducted by Morean, Corbin and Treat (2012) suggested that consumption pattern of drinking AmED may be related to Expectancy. Expectancy refers to an individual’s conviction about expected outcome of a certain behaviour (Huntley & Juliano, 2012). In this case, behaviour refers to the behaviours that appears when AmEDs are consumed. It is believed that AmEDs expectancies are aquired via direct experiences with AmED as well as through observational learning or suggestions. This belief can further be expalined with Bandura (1997)’s Social Learning Theory and Expectancy-based theories (Janz & Becker,1984; Rosenstock, Stretcher,& Becker, 1988). According to these theories, AmED use is contingent upon an individual’s belief that outcome will result in a positively enhanced emotional state or improve a previously negative emotional state (Maisto, Carey, & Bradizza,