Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the example famous social network that becomes the best choice among the students, especially university students. Social network can defines as site of grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighbourhood subdivision. Nowadays, the social network is a necessary communication tool that has emerged in the field of information and communication technology and has positively impacted almost all aspects of human life (Audrey, Gerald, Tai, 2012 as cited in CBSNews, 2008). Apart from that, addiction of using social network can becomes negative effects overweight the positive ones. These sites
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When students go to outside world, they will face much kind of people. Sometime, this people were followed the new trend language in this modern time. So, when students spoke with them, students will influenced with their trend. This will be problem to student how to know that language is true or not. If they can not to recognize, they will bring this language to their writing and can cause the writing to be false. In conclusion, there are many causes that can give an impact mostly is negative effects to student academic performance. Social networking is becoming increasingly popular and is a trend among young adults nowadays. Hence, there should be a study to find out whether is there any form of addiction that attracts the frequent visits and usage of social networking sites. To sum up, students should have to realise that social network is not gave 100% a positive effect to them for success in academic performance. So, as a student we need to step forward thinking about our future and make a move to get success in academic.
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Bloxham, A. (2010, November 18). Social networking: teachers blame Facebook and Twitter for pupils ' poor grades. The Telegraph. Retrieved July 10, 2013 from
The is no doubt that social media changed our way of socializing but is this change for good? Fowler and Baughman in their articles talk about social media and its effects on our society. Baughman in his article “growing old in the digital age: an exercise in egotism” argues that social media ruined our way of celebrating important events such as birthdays. He says that now a day we do not enjoy birthdays, because people no longer do it in the traditional way such as making birthday party and so on. In addition, flower in his article “The Facebook addiction spreads” argues that social media especially Facebook has a huge impact on the students’ life. Although it has many befits on the entertaining side, it wastes the students’ time and by writing this article, he is trying to convince his audience to be responsible. Fowler and Baughman are trying to persuade about the side effect of social networking by applying evidence, personal
The obsession with social media in today's society has changed the value of life. The way people perform on the daily basis has to do with the influencers that people follow on the web. According to Clayton Pangilinan's essay “Socialnetworking: Why It’s Really So Popular”, the use of social media has become part of life from several teens today, not just a way to distract themselves but it has turned into an addiction. Social media was also made for a good purpose for example, it can be used to stay connected with others, for business and a great way to stay informed about what is going on in society. Some of the popular social media pages used on the every day are known as to be youtube, snapchat, instagram and, twitter.
It is true that social network sites are growing at an alarming rate and that there are many advantages and disadvantages in using social network sites. If one understands these advantages and attempts to avoid the disadvantages, then one can use these sites to improve their knowledge, increase personal relationships with Family and friends, and create a functioning secure social network on-line. Because social network sites play such an important and valuable role in society today, it is detrimental that one undertstands the disadvantages to using them. Social network sites can cause addiction, lower grades, cyber bullying, health problems,
Social networking is a way to communicate with family and friends. Technology has improved over the years and with its improvement and advances we have advanced with technology. Social networking can provide good points and bad points, it’s all in the
The use of electronic and social media has become a staple in our society. No matter where one travels one can have access to this great resource. But has this accessibility and dependence upon electronic and social media gone too far? Is this passion for instant gratification affecting our ability to communicate with those around us on a personal level? Another question to ask is whether or not this constant access to technology will help our children develop the necessary skills to succeed in life; whether through multitasking or being able to adapt to new situations. There have been many studies that argue both sides of this issue. Some say these new
The issue that will be discussed has to do with social networking. Social network is highly important because it is used on a daily basis in our surroundings. Technology has progressed throughout the years, and has created many opportunities for students, businesses, and adults to succeed. Almost everyone in the world has access to the Internet or soon will have access to the Internet. This topic is important because many have the image/ belief that social networking is bad, and have debated on what is considered a social network. However, there are proven facts that social networking is beneficial for students and grown ups. People interact in many ways, some by social media, some by phone, some by email, and now we have the advantage of researching and contacting people all over the world, by using social networking sites and programs. Social networking is used every day and in many different ways. Social network providers us with prospering skills that in the long term, it will beneficial for our lives. Social network allows us to communicate across the globe rapidly, helps us gain important skills, and they are educational benefits. The purpose is to inform and educate others about social network about the pros and cons and what is considered a social network.
4 EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COLLEGE STUDENTS Statement of Problem To address the issue of the effectiveness of using social networking, the first question raised in this study is: for what purpose is the student utilizing social networking? Research on this topic will start to reveal social networking sites are simply part of how students interact with each other with no apparent impact on grades. Thus, the objective of this research is to explore the advantages and disadvantages of students’ use of social networking for study. The main purpose of this research is to expand on previous research, explore the relationship between the effects of social networking and students’ study efficiency, and to determine if social media interfering with students’ academic lives. Research Questions: Which is the most popular social media site for students? What is the amount of time students spend utilizing social media in various academic processes? Review of the Literature College students have great interest in social media. For the purpose of this study, social media was defined as Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, Twitter, MySpace or LinkedIn (Martin, 2008). Although, providing a detailed perspective on social media use among university students and underscoring that such use can produce both
Teenagers are also losing their ability to write because they are so used to communicating in abbreviations. These students have also lost capability to time manage, they desire being up all night browsing photos of strangers and chatting with class mates they see everyday anyway instead of studying for a major test. These scholars will now score a grade that is less than his or her potential, disappointing teachers and parents alike. Along with decreased grades, loneliness and social depression might be the effect of social networking.
( 1). Anyway, while we pond on that question, let us discuss why social media discourages students from studying or why students who uses social networking sites don’t do well in school. Besides the fact that students who use social networking sites use them to connect with their family, and long distance friends, proponents of social networking sites may argue that it helps students to do better at school, and that 59% of students with access to the internet report that they use social networking sites to discuss educational topics and 50% use these sites talk about school assignments, according to (2). However, since these sites are not one hundred percent accurate and reliable, how are we sure that the students who uses social networking sites are actually doing well in their academics and not failing when it is obvious non users of social networking sites perform better. As a matter of fact, what chance does a student who uses social networking sites stand to a student who spends their time outside classroom doing their homework’s, reading their class notes, textbooks, and novels, and spending their time on other things other than on social networking sites? In as much as many of us don’t see the harm social networking sites are having on our students, it is an undeniable fact
Research has found that the convenience of social networks that makes mankind easier to live in this affluent’s era can lead pupils addicted to social networking, consequently it may affect the productivity of work and negative physical effect on human.
The purpose of this study was to gain a personal understanding of what are the reasons of why most of teens are getting “addicted” to social networking sites, and how students are affected of this. This study is to put clearer understanding of the reasons why students spend most of their time on social networking sites and what are the benefits of this site for them.
Social networking has become a major part of society. Many people wake up each day and check social media websites specifically throughout Twitter and Facebook first thing in the morning instead of reaching for a newspaper. Since people are spending such a large amount of time surfing social networks, it is important to point out some of the positive and negative effects that social networking can have on a society. The positive effects of social networking sites are allow people to create new relationships and reconnect with friends and family. Increased communication, even online, strengthens relationships. And the other is social networking sites make people share everything that they want and bring people with common interests together, offer exposure to new ideas from around the world, and lower inhibitions to overcome social anxiety.
& Bonds-Raacke, 2008; Salaway et al., 2008). However, despite the popularity of Facebook due to the great increase in use, speed, interactivity, and free Internet access, an amount of the student user
Nowadays people cannot imagine how to catch up with friends and family without the usage of social networking. All around the world, people have the ability to connect with others. Social networking websites allow users to make profiles, upload pictures and videos, play games and chat with other users. In addition, people have the ability to learn about current news and events. It has also served as an effective tool in marketing for many businesses worldwide. Some of the top widely used networking sites include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. While social networking has provided great benefits for users to communicate and interact, it poses some negative effects as well.
Social networking affects the student 's’ achievement in school positively and negatively. One may say that it allows students to become an active member on campus and create relationships between peers. Junco, Heiberger, and Loken argue that “ a higher percentage of high users of social networking websites participated in and spent more time in campus organizations than low users” (Junco, Heiberger, and Loken 121). They also add that “students who were engaged in academic discussions via Twitter also forged interpersonal relationships. While they discussed the reading, students made connections when realizing they had shared values and interests” (Junco, Heiberger, Loken 126). Unfortunately, social networking sites increase the chance of