
Social Network and Its Effect on Poor Students Academic Performance

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Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the example famous social network that becomes the best choice among the students, especially university students. Social network can defines as site of grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighbourhood subdivision. Nowadays, the social network is a necessary communication tool that has emerged in the field of information and communication technology and has positively impacted almost all aspects of human life (Audrey, Gerald, Tai, 2012 as cited in CBSNews, 2008). Apart from that, addiction of using social network can becomes negative effects overweight the positive ones. These sites …show more content…

When students go to outside world, they will face much kind of people. Sometime, this people were followed the new trend language in this modern time. So, when students spoke with them, students will influenced with their trend. This will be problem to student how to know that language is true or not. If they can not to recognize, they will bring this language to their writing and can cause the writing to be false. In conclusion, there are many causes that can give an impact mostly is negative effects to student academic performance. Social networking is becoming increasingly popular and is a trend among young adults nowadays. Hence, there should be a study to find out whether is there any form of addiction that attracts the frequent visits and usage of social networking sites. To sum up, students should have to realise that social network is not gave 100% a positive effect to them for success in academic performance. So, as a student we need to step forward thinking about our future and make a move to get success in academic.
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Bloxham, A. (2010, November 18). Social networking: teachers blame Facebook and Twitter for pupils ' poor grades. The Telegraph. Retrieved July 10, 2013 from

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