
Social Norms In Canada

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How current norms are affecting Canadian marriage. You should consider norms such as courtship, intimacy, monogamy, age at the time of marriage, role of each partner.

Statistics Canada (2011), states that in 2008, the common age for men to marry was 31.1 years, and for women 29.1 years. This was older than in the former decades, including the 1930s and 1940s when the standard age at first marriage spiked at approximately 28 years for men, and 25 years for women. In the 1960s and beginning of the 1970s, the age at first marriage dropped to just over 22 years for women and 25 years for men. (Statistics Canada, 2011).

As aforementioned, Canadians are postponing marriage until later in life. The Vanier Institute of the Family states that young …show more content…

This was older than in the former decades, including the 1930s and 1940s when the standard age at first marriage spiked at approximately 28 years for men, and 25 years for women. In the 1960s and beginning of the 1970s, the age at first marriage dropped to just over 22 years for women and 25 years for men. (Statistics Canada, 2011).

According to census data from Milan, Maheux & Chui (n.d.) for Statistics Canada, the amount of couples in mixed unions is becoming more common in Canada since the beginning of the 1990s, partially due to the growth in the visible minority population.

In comparison to individuals in couples who were not in mixed relationships, persons in mixed unions were younger, did better socio-economically and were more likely to live in large census metropolitan areas. In addition, for the visible minority population, there were more partners in mixed unions who were Canadian-born in comparison to those who were born outside of Canada, and the quantity increased with generation status.
(Milan, A., Maheux, H., & Chui, T. (n.d.).

Moreover, there were consistently more couples in common-law relationships and in mixed unions than couples who were legally married, and a greater percentage of same-sex couples were in mixed unions than couples who were …show more content…

For example, what percentage of Canadian marriage ceremonies currently are religious ceremonies versus civil ceremonies?

As modernization within Canadian society occurs, young people are more inclined to move away from the cities where they grew up, leaving the older generations behind. They relocate to different cities, and different countries even, and meet people they probably never would have met had they remained home. People in modernized, urbanized societies meet partners on their own, rather than by being introduced by family members. Individuals marry and settle down in locations that are often far from their initial communities. (Sparknotes n.d.).

According to a study for Statistics Canada most recent survey, in 2003, the percentage of Canadian marriage ceremonies currently re 96.34% religious, versus 3.66% civil ceremonies. (CANSIM,

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