In analyzing social problems in today’s communities our begin to implement Social Welfare Programs that addresses these social problems. Social Problems are based on three factors which are: the force and societal position of the individuals who are characterizing the issue and encouraging the consumption of assets toward an answer, people in the community being affected by the social problem, and the measure of devastation to society based on the social problem that has not been dealt with (Chambers, 2012)
Reviewing President Bush and his administration,one can say that he focused deeply on the economy and the foreign policy rather than what citizens were dealing with including discriminations in the communities that impacts their quality of their life. However President Obama on the other hand felt that in order for the economy to thrive, we have to address how people are managing in their daily lives. People in their own communities are not being treated equally which affects one’s quality of life. During Obama’s presidency, he taken his time to review and implement social policies that have address issues such as civil rights for LGBT and Veterans.
Obama and Civil Rights for LGBT communities: President Obama has taken initiative addressing LGBT communities and the discrimination attributed to their sexual orientation and gender identity. During Obama’s presidency, he addressed and began implementing social policies for LGBT communities which goals were to
This inaugural speech marked the beginning of the second term of Barack Obama as president of the United States of America. It was delivered at United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. on January 21, 2013. The event followed the presidential election in the United States and it was very important all over the world, about a million of people gathered outside the Capitol to witness the president's words and millions more from around the world watched him on television (Staff). For first time, a president talked about same sex marriage and gay rights, he also talked about divisive issues such as reform of immigration policies, stopping climate change and preserving a social welfare safety net. Obama showed a progressive and liberal agenda, focused on equal rights and possibilities for all the citizens. The theme of the speech was “Faith in America's Future,” (Caldwell) and he successfully used various rhetorical techniques and resources to influence the audience.
making him less human. Even though Jurgis makes money from his work, it is not enough to
Social policy refers to the policies used by government for welfare and social protection (Spicker, P.) that are usually made by central Government and implemented by local authorities to tackle current social issues such as poverty and racism. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have now devolved and have their own laws and legislations on several issues.
Demographic questionnaires are a good source of gaining public opinions on government policy and product placement depending on gender, race and social class.
The election of President Obama marks the most noteworthy political accomplishment for African Americans in the United States during the post-civil rights revolution, thus bringing about a change in the country’s social and political landscape that was steeped in racial discrimination since the founding of this great nation. Because social and political conditions are subject to constant change, President Obama’s
The lgbt+ rights haven’t been equal in the United States until June 26, 2015 when gay marriage was legalized. In the past years, the lgbt+ community has never been treated as well as it is now. The people apart of that community finally feel more safe and equal. This has dramatically changed the society because it has never been this equal for the lgbt+ community. Constantly this community is degraded and discriminated for simply loving someone they just want to love. “I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage. But when you start playing around with constitutions, just to prohibit somebody who cares about another person, it just seems to me that’s not what America’s about.” (Barack Obama quote). In this quote, Barack is trying to justify himself as to why he thinks lgbt+ rights are needed, because he personally thinks that you should be able to overlook your religious view. “Every single American — gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, transgender — every single American deserves to be treated equally in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of our society. It’s a pretty simple proposition.” (Barack Obama quote). This shows that Obama thought it was ridiculous that there was discrimination whatsoever, but overall, discrimination towards America’s people.
Changes within the welfare system as a result of policy shifts and by new thinking, more generally in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), have had many methods, but the one that seemed most important, was that welfare recipients were required to do much more to justify their income support payments than before. The foundation of this new idea is that income support programs should allow individuals to maximise their participation in work. Due to the general shift in welfare administration, the number of activity test requirements an individual in Australia must meet in order to receive unemployment benefits, has expanded significantly since the early 1990s. This complex, overly bureaucratic process means that disadvantaged individuals cannot access the income support payments they require.
U.S. Welfare started as a federally funded program in the 1930’s during the Great Depression to help aid those families and individuals who had little to no income. The Federal Government was in charge of the U.S. welfare system for sixty years, until the 1990’s when there was an uproar of Americans who were unsatisfied with the way the Federal Government was handling those who were receiving government aid. Many Americans believed that these individuals were abusing the welfare program by “not applying for jobs, having more children just to get more aid, and staying unmarried so as to qualify for benefits.” (Welfareinfo, 2016) In 1996, the states were handed control of the welfare system due to the passed reform law signed by President Bill Clinton.
Federal Government has the ability to create positive change in many social welfare systems. The support of the government ultimately determines the success of a social welfare program. They play an important role in the decisions of how funds are allocated and the importance of these various vulnerable populations. The federal government is used as a tool, to help implement and support social welfare programs. However, from my own opinion, it is sometimes lacking in the proper support needed in many aspects. This is caused by a plethora of reasons, not to say that the government is completely unsupportive. Yet, there may be a gap in the perception of these social issues. The government puts in place laws, regulations, system structures, and so on. Therefore, because the government are the implementers of how our country is ran, it is their responsibility to be a main facets in the support of the gaps that inevitably occur. Nonetheless, it can be difficult to understand the needs of these population’s and the reality of their hardships. Most in a position of power, such as the federal government, have not experienced the severity of the many situations, that results in individuals needing assistance from these social welfare programs. Moreover, it is essential that there is outreach to these populations. All the same, getting a more realistic view of the life in these contexts. For instance, the time cap of being on assistance throughout one’s
In this essay is about the relationship between the social policy and social problem, but before going into a deep understanding of the two related parts that involve in a society, let is defined each one of them and know what they are and how they connect. When it comes defining the social policy or social problem; there is no one solid definition for them as it has many definitions because of their widely involvement in the society. In Bessant Theories, Mark Considine (1994;2) , fairly recommended that policy is cleverly easy caption that is able to cover parts of actual complicated actions.
All throughout history welfare services have been available to the general public. While these benefits have changed over time, the basic intentions of the welfare system has stayed the same. The welfare system provides benefits and monetary assistance to those who qualify. Different acts over the past two hundred years have been amended in order to try to help the poor, and while not all have been practical and successful, many programs have indeed done an outstanding job in aiding those in need. But, just like with all good things, there is a negative side. Even with all the reforms to try perfect the welfare system there are still some holes in it. Not only is the welfare system easy to manipulate, according to, eleven percent of the federal budget is spent on welfare, leaving tax payers livid. ( It 's obvious there is a need for a welfare system in the United States, but with the abuse the welfare system has endured a major change needs to be seen in order to ensure the welfare system be used as efficiently as possible.
What would happen if the government made changes to the welfare system? There are approximately 110,489,000 of Americans on welfare. Many people benefit from what the system has to offer: food stamps, housing, health insurance, day care, and unemployment. Taxpayers often argue that the individuals who benefit from the system, abuse the system; however, this is not entirely true. Many of the people who receive benefits really and truly need the help. Even though some people believe welfare should be reformed, welfare should not be reformed because 40% of single mothers are poor, some elderly people do not have a support system, and college students can not afford to take extra loans.
These factors contributed to how Barack Obama, our first African American president was elected to be the Forty Fourth of this great nation. He then followed up on winning the electoral campaign for a second term. Obama achieved that by understanding all those key factors to winning over the peoples vote allowing the Democratic Party to take office. During his time in office Obama focused his attention on equality in Americas systems in the broadest definition. Views on equality vary from each president to the next, but Obama strived for equality in a broader sense then the rest. President Obama focused on equality for homosexuals in the military with the “Don’t ask Don’t tell “law passed as well as other monumental laws regarding freedom of choice. Following that, President Obama wanted equality in the working forces for fair pay for those overworked and underpaid. As well as going as far as immigration policies, a subject he was passionate about, wanting to open America’s arms to immigrants and allow them to work and live here in the United
Should marijuana be legalized? The answer would vary widely depending on the circumstances and who you ask. Marijuana use is prohibited in the state of North Carolina, and is currently only legal in four states and the District of Columbia (State Marijuana Laws Map). It is hard to believe that the same government that banned the drug in the 1930’s actually encouraged the growth of the plant in the 1600’s (Guither). The antagonist against legalization claim that it is highly addicted and will lead to other drug use. Another claim is that it makes an individual violent, although there is not much data to support the allegation. I use to agree with the government and others stance on the subject matter, but I now feel that there is not much difference between Alcohol and Marijuana. As with any substance, whether it is alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or food there is a chance for addiction to occur. However, it should be an individual’s free will to make their own personal decisions.
M. V. Lee Badgett mentions in his article “What Obama Should Do About Workplace Discrimination,” that this would make a great first step on what concerns banning workplace discrimination against homosexuals by federal contractors. If the government, the structural system of our country, is not only willing to accept all but pose as a model of approval towards all kinds of sexual orientations, then so should we, the people, who make part of the nation. Discrimination against this group of people is unfortunate, but extremely common nowadays; more and more individuals are being harassed, not compensated with adequate wages, and/or fired from their jobs because of the way they sexually identify themselves. This strikes a fear in gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender employees who feel as though they must produce more than the average worker in order to not be affected or expelled from their jobs, often leading them to not take illness days off, vacations, and to perhaps be more productive than the majority of their colleagues. Badgett explains that by issuing an executive order against workplace discrimination, President Obama will be able to gradually bring back equality to the nation, providing parallel opportunities for all and reducing stress, fear, as well as death and unemployment rates in the gay community.