
Social Process Theory Paper

Satisfactory Essays

This paper will be discussing the three theories under the Social Process theory, Social learning theory, Social Control theory, and the Social labeling theory. This paper will also be discussing the similarities and differences of these theories. The Social Process theory is the view that criminality is a function of people’s interactions with various organizations, institutions, and processes in society. Social Learning theory is the view that people learn to be aggressive by observing others acting aggressively to achieve some goal or being rewarded for violent acts. A man by the name of Albert Bandura came up with an experiment the studies the Social Learning theory; the experiment was called the Bobo Doll Experiment. In the early 1960’s, Albert Bandura conducted this experiment and in this experiment, he had children watch a video of an adult aggressively playing with toys, including a Bobo doll. This adult hit the bobo doll, knocked it down and jumped on the doll screaming “POW!” AND “Kick him!” After the children watched the video, they were then allowed to play with a lot of toys, including the bobo doll, and the …show more content…

Social Control theory explains that everyone has the potential to become a criminal, but most people are controlled by their bonds to society. Social Control theory was developed by Travis Hirsch in 1969. Under the Social Control theory, individuals break the law due to a breakdown with Society’s bond. There are four elements that constitutes society’s bond. These four elements are attachment, commitment, involvement and belief. It is to believe that when one of these four elements is broken then that individual may then participate in criminal activity. For example, if someone doesn’t interact with others or engage I typical social behavior then that person may have the time to become involved in deviant criminal

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