
Social Psychology Research Paper

Decent Essays

Posture can determine many things varying from physical attributes intangible attributes such as emotional as well as social health. Posture can dictate whether or not we can become successful, productive, and positive, or unsuccessful, unproductive, and negative. These various attributes can drastically impact a person’s life, their behavior, and the actions they make. Three various sites elaborated on how the difference in posture can affect our daily lives; the sites include: “Your iPhone is Ruining Your Posture – and Your Mood” by Amy Cuddy, “Posture Affects Standing, and Not Just The Physical Kind” by Jane E. Brody, and “Erectness of Posture as an Indicator of Dominance or Success in Humans” by Glenn E. Weisfeld and Jody M. Beresford. …show more content…

Slouching or leaning forward can cause stress on muscles around our neck and between our shoulder blades, injuries form this are more commonly called “Text Neck” due to the prolonged amount of time we slouch our necks in order to look down at our cell phones. Brody states in her editorial, “Slouching while sitting hour after hour can result in a persistent slouch, while standing and walking while slouched can lead to permanently rounded shoulders and upper back.” These are basically what our technological society has achieved, loads of work and deformed bodies that have adjusted to the type of work that is …show more content…

Brody, and “Erectness of Posture as an Indicator of Dominance or Success in Humans” by Glenn E. Weisfeld and Jody M. Beresford. I believe that Jane E. Brody’s editorial makes the most credible argument regarding posture and its effects on people; I believe that Brody’s editorial makes the most credible argument regarding posture and its effects on humans. Brody includes anecdotes, research of various credible sources, such as Universities, and includes references to injuries that may impact everyone, all while elaborating on the various negative effects of slouching (bad posture). Posture can determine many things varying from physical attributes intangible attributes such as emotional as well as social health. Posture can dictate whether or not we can become successful, productive, and positive, or unsuccessful, unproductive, and negative. These various attributes can drastically impact a person’s life, their behavior, and the actions they

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