
Social Regression Analysis Paper

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Introduction: The ecosystems around us in nature provide us with many services that humans benefit from, such as water filtration and clean air. However, these benefits are not something many people think about how we benefit from these services since they typically aren’t something we are used to paying for. Still, people benefit from the services offered by ecosystems everyday. Within cities, urban parks can be found throughout the USA. Some are home to forests, wetlands, grasslands, while others are manicured parks where plants and animals have adapted to form novel ecosystems. Nevertheless, measuring the economic value of those services, whether they are from novel or natural has always been a challenge. Some services such as air and water filtration are relatively simple to quantify, while other services like a park’s biodiversity are not. This …show more content…

The first three regressions use a similar dependent variable as Blomquist, while the last regression uses data only on renters. In the first 3 regressions in the sign for the coefficients change for renter, sunshine, sewer, and number of bedrooms. However, in the last regression only signs on the coefficients for crime, lot size, and sewer change. Most of these changes make little sense except for the change that relates to crime. For the second regression in Table 1 state fixed effects were added to help account for some of the missing climate variables in the model. Nonetheless, this did little to clear up the confusion from the regression model used in Table 1. The results largely the same except that the coefficient for park space has gone from 1.804% to 0.751%, and population growth went from negative to positive. The change for the park space coefficient is likely because of how ecosystems can vary based on the climate within a

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