
Social Research Thesis

Decent Essays

My scope of location covers a narrow sliver of Den Haag and small pockets of countryside communities. Additionally, this research was conducted in a short period of only three and a half months. Limiting my research to barely scratch the surface and curbing me from delving deeper in understanding the urban community of Den Haag. Additionally, the time with my participants was limited. Spending between a few minutes to 3 hours in some cases with my participants. Finally, I believe speaking and at the very least, understanding the Dutch language would have been especially helpful. Especially so while sitting in at corporate meetings, government conferences and on the sidewalk level. This limitation leads me to rely heavily on more …show more content…

The devastation caused was and is not an isolated occurrence. The impact of climate change on the ecosystem and communities is becoming more frequent and leaving human and environmental casualties behind. It is during Hurricane Sandy where I observed and experienced firsthand the selfless efforts of, what moments earlier were strangers, to individuals coming together as a community for a common purpose in helping one another. While the nation state searched for loop holes and invented reasons justifying their limited / lack of involvement. It’s this reason why I argue the responsibility of the future and sustainability of the city is in the hands of its community (including its local government). It is inhumane to treat this planet with such disregard, we must see that we are as much connected to her as she is to us and it is our responsibility and obligation to protect where we “learn and love, work and sleep, pray and play, grow and eat, and finally die” (Barber 2013, 13). Granted, due to financial challenges, there are limitations to Den Haag 2040 climate neutral initiative, however based on my research, this is not stopping nor discouraging the community and campaigns like Den Haag Fossielvrij from their continued fight for their city and the planet. The challenge is upon us. What is the bottom line here? The bottom line is that desperate times call for despite unity – make no mistake, we are in desperate times and the invaluable

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