
Social Responsibilities And Social Responsibility

Satisfactory Essays

The ever-growing social demands and the intense competitions between individuals continuously change education institutions’ behavior. This perspective comes from the socio-economic environment. Under this circumstance, more attention has been paid to Social Responsibility (SR) that all organizations need to take for the interests and welfare of the society (Vasilescu et al., 2010). When it comes to Higher Education Institutions (HEI), SR becomes the obligation of universities via responsible actions to make social and economic impacts on the society (Vallaeys, 2014). There is no denying that universities play increasingly paramount roles in a global context. The primary aim for them is to instill knowledge which has become the key driver of economic growth (Faust, 2010). From a broader perspective, universities address societal problems and bring advantages to the society where they are based. Due to the needs of attracting and retaining students, universities pay more attention to SR when they make decisions and plans (Sánchez-Hernández and Mainardes, 2016). Thus, this essay will determine the importance of being a socially responsible university, the obligation of a responsible university, together with a focus on the way a university makes its different stakeholders believe its commitment to social responsibility.

It is hard to give a precise definition of University Social Responsibility (USR). It is simply about universities show their ethical performance to the whole

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