Bowery Residents’ Committee (BRC) is a social service organization that was founded in 1971 standing for hope, health, and home ("Holistic Care | BRC," 2017). They are located at 85 Delancey street, New York, NY, 10002, between Ludlow street and Orchard street in lower east side Manhattan. Their mission is to restore hope and dignity to the people in the community that are suffering from addiction, the homeless, and mental health. They have served over 11,000 people in the community through many different aspects and programs including an outreach to the unsheltered, transitional housing and shelter, permanent housing, substance abuse treatment, mental health services, workforce development, and older adults housing ("Home | BRC," 2017). There
The strategy of CAMBA’s Park Slope Women MICA Shelter is a long-term plan of sustained growth of customer care in New York City. They are strategic when it comes to meeting the pressing needs of New York City dwellers. To begin with, they have identified that mental illness and drugs and substance abuse renders many city dwellers homeless and desperate. Most of the dwellers are hopeless with nowhere else to turn to and CAMBA’s Park Slope Women Shelter comes in as a source of hope for them. This strategy reflects the correct planning on the side of their leaders. This is evident from the fact that market share should be just adequate to cater for the present needs of the community (Drucker et al., 2008). However, over the last few years they
This paper will include a variance report for the Guilford County Department of Social Services, which will show the variances for both revenue and expenditures sides and discuss two problematic areas for the agency. Two recommendations of policy actions for each problematic areas discussed in criterion 1 will be provided.
According to the 2010 Plan for the Future of the New York City Family Court, the main goal of family court relies on ensuring “the highest standard of justice for each and every litigant who enters the courthouse” (2010). This is done by executing a sequence of processes and by providing different resources to individuals involved in the case. There are three major organizations that serve an important role in Family Court. These organizations ensure justice for individuals entering the family court system by providing a variety of different services. These organizations include the Administration for Children’s Services, the Legal Aid Society and the Panel of 18b Attorneys. Each of the three organizations mentioned, work to ensure the welfare of children and service to families by providing a variety of different services.
As a resident in Fresh Meadows for twenty years, conducting a community health assessment was an opportunity to learn more about the neighborhood. Located in the northeastern section of New York 's Queens County, this small town was first named “Flushing Meadows” before the American Revolution. This was due to large areas of wet meadows that were also partially located in Flushing. Nonetheless, Fresh Meadows has become home to many with its diverse community in cultures and ages, and activities for the local.
Eof fathers with children in the United States were single fathers. Indeed, 62% of children living in Berks County are affected by poverty (Catlin, Jovaag, & Van Dijik Willems, 2015).
Many people in society are unsure on what white collar crime actually is. There are different opinions on what white collar crime should be defined as. A strong definition would be any violation of criminal, civil or regulatory laws or unethical actions committed in the course of one’s occupation. These individuals are usually very respectable in society and have “high-status”. White collar crime is much larger than your traditional street crime: It harms a larger pool of people and can go on for many years under the radar
On Tuesday October 18, 2016, an interview was conducted with Mr. William T. Hawkins. Mr. Hawkins is currently one of Vance County Public School Certified Social Workers. There are 10 social workers serving Vance County Schools. Hawkins serves three schools in Vance County the schools are Western Vance High School, Vance County Early College High School, and Early High School STEM Program. Mr. Hawkins has been a social worker for over 20 years; however, he was been with the Vance Schools systems for over 12 years.
The first problem that arises is a disconnection between the staff and Leslie. Based on our
They include Uncas Health District that provides local public health services in Norwich and the surrounding towns, United Way of SE Connecticut, Women’s Infants and Children (WIC), United Community and Family Services (UCFS) and Sound Community Services, Inc., is a mental health facility for people 18 years and older. Some others are the Reliance House that cares for adults experiencing mental health issues, addiction and developmental disabilities, Catholic Charities, William W. Backus Urgent Care, Backus Family Health Center, INCITE Wellness Center that is a holistic center for health, wellness and education and the Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHAS). Other health services available in Norwich include pharmacies, dental services and mobile health vans that go out into the community to provide medical
Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center, Inc. (MVOC), is a non-profit organized under tax code 501(c)(3), located in north central Massachusetts. It is one of the oldest continually operating veterans' outreach organizations in the nation, in a state that has done much to support its veterans. Founded as the Vietnam Veterans Outreach Center in 1983, the center has expanded its services over its thirty-year existence to include all veterans. The staff of eighteen manages services from a central office as well as a newly-opened satellite office in an adjacent town. MVOC serves as an excellent example of the New Model of Care. It offers transitional and low-cost housing, mental health counseling, benefits advising, outreach services, case management, structured daily activities, and a food pantry ("Montachusett Veterans Outreach
The Homeless Veteran Housing Program was created to bypass group homes and work towards finding veterans safe and stable homes that they can restart their lives. The program will initially be implemented at Veteran Rehabilitation, initially the Greensboro Servant Center, in the Piedmont Triad area in North Carolina. As veteran homelessness is not only a problem in North Carolina, the program is planned to expand nationwide after implementation and
was developed by the Skid Row Housing Trust with the intention of fighting homelessness with a holistic model to break the cycle of homeless. This particular organization inhabits the complexes with qualified individuals to connect residents with on-site case management, medical care, mental health services, substance use treatment, advocacy and community building (Skid Row Housing Trust, n.d.). The ground floor of the complex is occupied by the Department of Health Services’ Housing for Health division headquarters whose programs aims to house 10,000 of the county’s sickest, most vulnerable homeless in the following decade (Holland,
I am applying for the Twin Star Scholarship because I have recently returned to college. Currently, in my family, including myself, there are four college students. One of the main reasons that I have hesitated in returning back to school to pursue my bachelor’s degree is because of the financial strain that will be placed on my family finances. I have always felt that it would be responsible to wait until my family is in a better financial place before going back to school. The reality is, college tuition is expensive and it will put a strain on our family finances no matter when I decide to go back. Receiving this scholarship will help alleviate a portion of that family financial strain that tuition, books, and fees will
The Olmstead ruling brought about key provisions and implications for disabled people in America. Since 1999 this decision as resulted helping peoples with disabilities to achieve equal opportunities, independent living, and self-sufficiency. “The Supreme Court noted that its finding "reflects two evident judgments." First, "institutional placement of persons who can handle and benefit from community settings perpetuates unwarranted assumptions that persons so isolated are incapable or unworthy of participating in community life"( C. Mosely 2013).And second, that "confinement in an institution severely diminishes the everyday life activities of individuals, including family relations, social contacts, work options, economic independence, educational
Crime is a part of life that all nationals must manage as it appears to have been around as long as human progress itself. Crime has violated groups for a considerable length of time and I think one declaration is that crime is more pervasive in poor inward city neighborhoods than it is in reciprocals that are more affluent. I think the three noteworthy reasons for crime stem from an absence of training, living in destitution, and being brought up in a solitary parent home.