Social Services Meeting: On 03/01/2017, Ms. Hawkins and her daughter Emoni met with her assigned Case Manager for the family ILP Document Review. Ms. Hawkins’ next ILP Document Review appointment is on 03/14/2017. Ms. Hawkins is in-compliance with the terms of her ILP. Ms. Hawkins was reminded that she is expected to attend all scheduled meetings with assigned Case Manager and failed to do it would considered non-compliance and warning will be issued. Ms. Hawkins stated that she is aware. Case Manager asked Ms. Hawkins if there are any issues or concerns that she will like to discuss, Ms. Hawkins stated no. Exit Strategy Plan: Ms. Hawkins’ application is on hold. Case Manager explained to Ms. Hawkins that once she becomes eligible as
On Tuesday March 8th, 2016 Case Conference with Resident Ebony Rice #325 has been conducted with Janette Chirico from DHS , Program Director Felicita Rivera, Housing Program Supervisor Zenobia Garland and Senior Case Manager Ms. Arias. The purpose of this meeting was to address client noncompliance and to come with an exit strategy for this Ms. Rice. Client was asked the reason for her missing ILP meetings and her barrier to obtain permanent housing. Client has a LINCH voucher for the amount of $1515. Client stated that she hasn’t receives any help from facility staff so she is searching for apartment on her own. Ms. Rice has been receiving assistance by the onsite housing department but unfortunately she has been able to link to an apartment
Client stated that she understands. Case Manager also explained to client that once she becomes eligible she will be expected to obtain permanent housing by 08/2017. Client stated that she understands.
CPSW did a home visit to meet with Ms. Berner and to discuss about her safety plan since the children are moving with her on10/29/16 from the foster provider. Ms. Berner was late for her appointment and CPSW waited a 40 minutes for Ms. Berner. Ms. Berner apologized for being late. CPSW explained Ms. About safety plan. Ms. Berner understood and she signed them. Ms. Berner stated that she will be doing a house arrest for two weeks and the recommendation of her criminal court is to obey law and continue taking her medication on time and seeing her therapist. Also, cooperating with her PO and CPSW. CPSW consulted with the supervisor and she has approved both children to move back with Ms. Berner. Goal 1-2
He reports the patient’s roommate was subsequently evicted from his home after the landlord inquired about the ambulance visiting. He reports he contacted her father concerning the patient residing within the family home, but the father has said no. In addition, he reports he has attempted to contact her uncle but has been unable to make contact with him. He reports he has attempted to make contact with her said friend who is considering allowing her the opportunity to reside with her but she has not answered her phone and he has been unable to leave a voice message. He reports no one wants her in their home, and the patient has “burned her bridges” with family members. He reports her family would benefit from counseling. In addition, he reports her family has high expectations of CPS. He reports her current case was not going to close within 12 days of 06/30/2017. In addition, the case will not
Exit Plan Strategy Plan: Ms. Medina’s new Exit Strategy plan is to continue seeking employment and obtain employment by 12/2016, have enough savings to cover one month’s rent and one month’s security by 03/2017. Ms. Medina is expected to obtain or move into permanent housing by 04/2017. Ms. Medina agreed to her Exit Strategy Plan.
On 7/11/2015, CM did a visual and had client come to the social service office. CM completed Bi-Weekly ILP Review. In the meeting client appears to be wear out, and tired. She was constantly throbbing her forehead, like if she was having headache. CM inquires what the problem is. Client replies “she doesn’t like the shelter food and sometimes she doesn’t eat” CM advised the client to eat and nourished her body. CM also observed that client is depressed but she continues to refuse medical referral to see a psychiatrist and medical doctor. Client continues to mention her son who is in foster care, and the physical altercation she sustained many months ago here at this shelter. CM mentioned to the client she was a transferred from another shelter due to physical altercation, CM continues to relate to the client she
Housing: Case Manager confirmed and verified that Ms. Williams has been attending housing meetings and that she has been submitting her weekly housing search logs. Ms. Williams has a City FEPS Voucher. Ms. Williams was escort it to go view an apartment by her assigned Housing Specialist and application was submitted. Case Manager encouraged to
Exit Strategy: Ms. Williams is linked to an apartment and is expected to move into permanent by 03/31/2017.
Exit Strategy: Ms. Williams’ Exit Strategy Plan is to continue seeking for suitable housing. Since Ms. Williams has not been linked to an apartment, her exit expected day will be extended. Ms. Williams is expected to be linked to an apartment by 01/2017 and will be expected to move into permanent housing by 02/2017.
Mother explained that the client studies but takes the exam fast. PP and FF asked if the school makes adjustments for the client since he has an IEP. Mother shared she doesn’t know. PP encouraged mother to talk to the teachers and make sure the client has his academics needs. Mother agreed to talk to the teachers and once CFS comes back from leave he will go to the school too. FF and PP went over family concerns, ways the wrap team can support them and mission statement. Client shared that he would like to improve his grades to participate in a school sport. PP and FF praised the client for wanting to improve his academics and want to participate in a school sport. Mother expressed her mission is to close her case and not reopen. PP praised mother for sharing and wanting to close her case and leave in the pass. Mother expressed concerns over client behavior at home and school. Mother shared that client talks back and doesn’t follow directions at home. Client shared that he doesn’t like to be the only child doing chores at home. Client shared that he gets frustrated and talks back to mother. Mother expressed that she relies on the client a lot to do chores because he is the oldest. PP
Ryan is becoming an experienced investigator. He is showing improvement in decreasing the number of overdue hotlines that he as each month. He has not had any overdue reports since August, 2016. He does have his Plans of Actions & recoding in his cases according to policy 90% of the time. He is able to identify risk in his investigations and develop steps to resolves any problems, or issues. He has a solid understanding of the statues, and regulations for PS cases and other programs and services that are state funded. Ryan understands the HIPPA rules and confidentiality. He utilizes numerous community resources to find answers, solutions, and ideas that are case specific in meeting the needs of the Reported Adult. He utilizes different agency
Student Profile Monkey, is a 6 year old boy with autism. He is in kindergarten, but is currently in a K-1 self-contained class where he spends his day with 6 other peers and 5 adults (1 teacher, 2 teaching assistants, and 2 1:1 aids). Overall, Monkey is a sweet child that loves to engage with his peers. Even though he is very energetic, he typically initiates games of Star Wars or tag. However, Monkey does still play other games that are already in progress.
The worker interviewed Fernandos Herrington who stated he is the step-father of Alyson Loue. Mr. Herrington was adamant about stating his daughter was a good mother to her two children. Mr. Herrington “Alyson is a single mother doing her best to raise her kids and she has my full support. Alyson had a rough patch but since she had her first child she has turned her life around. Alyson is drug free, doesn’t drink, and there are no men coming in and out of her house so there is no domestic violence. I have a key to her apartment so it better not be any of that “shit” going on around those kids especially some man who’s beating up on my daughter because if there was you wouldn’t need to call the police because I would handle it myself! Alyson
This social worker, Mike and Dick met on time for a 1 ½ hour session. Dick and Mike shared that they had just spent the afternoon together riding dirt bikes. They stated that they had forgotten how much fun they could have together. For the second week in a row Mike completed his chores and Dick had completely filled out the chore chart. Dick’s continued use of anger management skills, has been able to reduce Mike’s anger as well. This social worker explained I-messages and went over examples. Mike and Dick were asked to come up with 4 I-messages during the session. This social worker, Mike and Dick then shared and discussed the statements that were written.
This worker was able to meet with Ms. Mango on 3/10/2017 at her mother Katherine Mango’s home located at 477 Fairton Road in Monroe New Jersey.