Reflection Journal 1 Over the past two weeks, I have become involved in one of the LINK case manager’s new cases. The client is a 24-year-old, homeless woman, who is looking for housing, among other things. For the past two weeks, the client has been staying at the Dorothy Day House, but their two-week limit has ended. During the time that we have been working with her, we have gone to the Social Security offices, the government center, and bought her a pregnancy test, which turned out positive. We also drove to Austin to look at a possible apartment that the client could rent, and we are currently waiting to hear back from them. The first night that the client was not staying at the Dorothy Day House, she contacted the police department, who paid for a hotel room for the night. During this …show more content…
Overtime, I have been able to be slightly more involved in the conversations. However, I have not wanted to overstep my role in the situation, so I have not been as involved in the conversations as I could have been. During each meeting, both the case manager and myself have encouraged her to think about what the most important thing that she needs right away, which is housing, and to work on that before we get involved in some of the other important goals that she wants to accomplish. By doing this we can try to keep her focused on the tasks at hand. One of the main issues with this case has been boundaries. Being able to establish the boundaries of when to call, that the relationship is a work relationship, and stating what we as an agency can and cannot do, is important in providing services. It has also been important for the case manager and I to encourage the client to do things independently and not have her rely solely on the agency. It is also important to value the clients right to self-determination when it comes to want services they want to work
Social Services: On 12/08/2016, client Lissy Figueroa met with assigned Case Manager Ms. Gilgen for Intake Assessment and Initial Independent Living Plan (ILP). Client is 21 years Hispanic female. Client has a 3 year old son named Maxwell. Case Manager asked client how and why she became homeless. Client stated that she was
Housing: Case Manager confirmed and verified that Ms. Williams has been attending housing meetings and that she has been submitting her weekly housing search logs. Ms. Williams has a City FEPS Voucher. Ms. Williams was escort it to go view an apartment by her assigned Housing Specialist and application was submitted. Case Manager encouraged to
Housing: Client meet with HS and she was explains that she could be able to provide
An example of this was the Haymarket bombing towards the Chicago police during the pace of events. The bombing’s hurt workers’ rights and limited the union use of mass strikes. The rally began peacefully in the evening of May 4. Spies, Albert Parson and Samuel Fielden spoke to the crowd which was estimated to be about 3000 persons. A home-made bomb with a brittle metal casing filled with dynamite and ignited by a fuse, was thrown into the path of the advancing police. Its fuse briefly sputtered, then the bomb exploded, killing policeman Mathias J. Degan with flying metal fragments and mortally wounding six other officers. The police assumed that an anarchist had thrown the bomb as part of a planned conspiracy; their problem was how to prove
REVIEW ILP AND CLIENT RIGHTS ANDCLIENT CODE OF CONDUCT: Client must adhere to the 10pm curfew. She must also comply with the shelter rule and regulation and DHS Code of Conduct.
Your client is a young man who has been the victim of a violent crime and as a result has become estranged from his family and is currently living in a shelter.
Plan of action: Client must attend to all offsite and onsite medical appointments, Client must participate in all FEDCAP/Wellness programs, client must participate in all scheduled meetings, client must accept first suitable housing offers, client must adhere to the shelter 10pm curfew. Client must notify staff of any changes in her income. CM reviewed the Other ILP Review. Client agreed and signed. Next ILP Review is scheduled for
Your client Sue is a Social Work Assistant. In your last session she disclosed that she is concerned that on a recent home visit, herself and a senior colleague did not follow the necessary policies and procedures. They had visited a family with a history of neglect and domestic violence and did not ask to see the child or enter the home, both these actions are prescribed as appropriate as part of their work.
The case manager regulates use of resources to provide the most efficient care for their clients, which can possibly lead to the client being able to care for himself/herself. They focus on good transitions of care, reducing the fragmentations of care within the system. Further, the case manager’s main goals are to improve the safety, satisfaction, and outcomes of their clients, moving their client into the best levels of health possible (Marion et al., 2010).
- She then finds out the reasons for the client's call so that she can formulate an action plan.
The family case manager started sending out emails giving specific directions to the team as the notes were showing great progress. These directions included things such as how to document the visitations, specific demands of topics to be covered in therapy, and made the statement that we get paid to ensure these children never go home to an unsafe environment. The family case manager then called a provider meeting to address her concerns. As she asked the team for the strengths of the client she would deny each strength and provide an example of a behavior that had occurred several months prior that would go against the strength that was provided. After that point in the meeting the family case manager did all of the talking, giving demands for each team member, and instructed everyone not to redirect behaviors rather have the client call her and she would handle the redirections. At this point, she did not allow any feedback from the team. It was clear the family case manager had her own agenda making the progress of the client and the input of the team
The “Client Scenario” video reflects the main character as a client that currently has several needs based on the fact that she has went through a divorce, has one child to provide for, and is in need of financial assistance to pay monthly bills and provide food for herself and her child. The client appears frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, hostile, and entitled throughout the video. These are often common feelings that are displayed by clients when clients and social workers are meeting for the first time. The client is seeking services due to the needs of her family caused by unforeseen events that recently occurred, which can be a very stressful time for clients. The social worker revealed concern, empathy, and a willingness to assist the client as the social welfare policies
This week through my employment, I had to seek out emergency respite options for an individual receiving services through the County Board. I realize that my employment is not related to my field placement, however the tasks I was engaged in this week at work others may be experiencing similar situations through field placement. Plus it has been awhile since I have been involved in a situation where emergency housing or respite was needed, so this experience was a break from my routine. The individual, KB, is a 20 year old female currently residing with her parents. KB’s diagnoses includes: schizophrenia, mild intellectual disorder and oppositional defiant disorder. Due to episodes of both verbal and physical aggression, amongst all family members, I was charged with seeking respite services with the likelihood of long term residential services if respite is successful.
Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel once stated, “No human race is superior; no religious faith inferior. All collective judgements are wrong. Only racists make them.” Imagine being discriminated against for something you couldn’t control; like the way you look or talk, what you believe in or the way you live, how would that make you feel? Now imagine being dehumanized for that something you can’t change. It may sound preposterous, but during the holocaust that’s precisely what happened. The dehumanization of the Jewish midst the Holocaust is vital to learn about because it enlightens us on the unfair bigotry, ghastly living conditions, and how the Jewish had their identity stripped away.
Tobacco is simply an agricultural crop, which is used abundantly in making cigarettes. It is a green plant that is commonly found in warm climates, and it was first grown in 1612 in Virginia as a “profit crop” for them.