
Social Work Case Report

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Reflection Journal 1 Over the past two weeks, I have become involved in one of the LINK case manager’s new cases. The client is a 24-year-old, homeless woman, who is looking for housing, among other things. For the past two weeks, the client has been staying at the Dorothy Day House, but their two-week limit has ended. During the time that we have been working with her, we have gone to the Social Security offices, the government center, and bought her a pregnancy test, which turned out positive. We also drove to Austin to look at a possible apartment that the client could rent, and we are currently waiting to hear back from them. The first night that the client was not staying at the Dorothy Day House, she contacted the police department, who paid for a hotel room for the night. During this …show more content…

Overtime, I have been able to be slightly more involved in the conversations. However, I have not wanted to overstep my role in the situation, so I have not been as involved in the conversations as I could have been. During each meeting, both the case manager and myself have encouraged her to think about what the most important thing that she needs right away, which is housing, and to work on that before we get involved in some of the other important goals that she wants to accomplish. By doing this we can try to keep her focused on the tasks at hand. One of the main issues with this case has been boundaries. Being able to establish the boundaries of when to call, that the relationship is a work relationship, and stating what we as an agency can and cannot do, is important in providing services. It has also been important for the case manager and I to encourage the client to do things independently and not have her rely solely on the agency. It is also important to value the clients right to self-determination when it comes to want services they want to work

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