his worker met with Anthony at home (1405 21st Avenue North apt #1). The interview was recorded and privacy practice were verbally reviewed.
Anthony was staying in the living room with his uncle and his younger brothers. Also, Anthony was watching TV and playing with his cell phone during the interview. This worker asked about the allegation. Anthony seemed resistant to the question and lots of facial expression. He stated that he is not aware of him missing school. Also, he stated that his brother attends school and reports no concerns.
This worker asked Anthony if he still attending full time online school (MRFT). Anthony stated that he will be starting alternative school in minneapolis (PYC) after spring break. He stated that school
We received a phone call that Alex Riveros was found walking alone to the upper elementary school at a very early time by a school staff member. We contacted Mr. Turner about Alex's whereabouts being at Harper McCaughan. Alex stated to Harper personnel that he wanted to go see his brother so he walked to his school instead of Quarles. I have attached the email from the other school. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Kathryn Standish Date: Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 7:39 AM Subject: Alexander Riveros To: Jan Hansen Dr. Hansen, This morning at around 6:45am one of Jeremy Reynolds, a teacher at Harper, reported that a young child was walking along Commission Road, away from Quarles. Around the same time we received a phone call from Sean
SSCM met response time @ 11:49 a.m. at Grovetown Elementary. The interview included Anna Mutimer, who is the school counselor, SSCM, and Branden Hollings, who is listed as the VC in the report with the allegations. Branden reported that his mom works at night at a laundry mat, and also has a second job. The second job is unknown. Branden reported that his stepdad doesn’t work. Branden reported that he has three siblings, two sisters, and an older brother, who also reside in the home with him, mom, and his stepdad. During the interview Branden continuously expressed how he didn’t like his stepdad, because he tells him things that he doesn’t need to know. For example, Branden reported that his stepdad tells him about how his mother didn’t want him, which is why his
Carl Fleischer, a 17 year old high school student was sent to the Social Workers office to discuss surrounding issues that might be the cause of his failing grades. Carl was very candid in his conversation with the Social Worker and admits to being an under achiever. Carl is not performing well academically which is a concern. The school Social Worker wanted to learn about Carl and asked him open and closed ended questions about is daily life style. Carl was very talkative in the conversation about himself and became detached when asked to talk more about why he felt he dad was a scumbag.
This worker discussed about the allegation. Ms. Williams stated that she and her family have been
UCM:CPSW called Kylia, Ian and Nya's school to check their school attendance and grades or any other concerns with school. CPSW talked Dainela Zavala from Anthony middle school (Nya) and she reported no conerns with Nya's attendance and grades. Also, the worker stated that she will email Nya's report to this worker.
4/6 8:20 AM this worker went to a meeting at the Mac school for Zoey Emery's reentry into school. MS Yaw, Fran, Zoey and two of her teachers meeting. Ms Yaw started the meeting speaking about re-entering school from Lincoln Prairie. Yaw was concerned because Zoey refused to do her academics and therapy while at Lincoln Prairie. Ms Yaw stress that the therapy was helpful for Zoey. Ms Yaw asked how Zoey was doing on her new medication. Zoey told Ms Yaw that she was on Lexapro. The full results of the medication were going to be about five weeks. Ms Yaw questioned about how Zoey was eating and sleeping. Fran said that Zoey was not sleeping well due to anxiety because of returning to school. Ms Yaw then spoke about the expectations for peer interactions
Writer received a call from Marvin concerning her SPOA application. Care manager used that opportunity to formally introduce myself, and also asked when he applied. Marvin had no knowledge of it but he shared his counselor's number with me to call her for details about the application.
The students work online at their own pace. However, Samuel's past performance at school was poor; he was failing some classes. The last recorded grades obtained by the Court Service Unit were in April 2015, and were documented as a D+ in English 8, D in Art Foundation, D+ in Health/Physical Education, A- in United States History, F in Life Science, and C+ in Math 8. Ms. Ratcliff reported since 7th grade, Samuel’s attitude and school performance has declined. She stated historically he was a C student and school was important to him but subsequently he has adopted an “I don’t care
In the light of the foregoing, this investigator interviewed Offender Taylor and he corroborated the allegations raised by Ms. Samaan. He also specifically traced the misunderstanding he claimed to have been having with some Spanish speaking officers
MSTT met with Sabrina to inform her of the report from the school. MSTT and Sabrina examined Esmrel behaviors and brainstormed what could be causing Esmrel to engage in these negative behaviors. Sabrina believes Drew should start to take a more active role in Esmrel school behavior and academics. She stated Drew need to step it up because she will soon be moving out and Esmrel will be staying with Drew and he needs to be on top of these behaviors. Drew have previous stated he does stay in contact with the school. Which is true what he does not know is the school is not telling him everything because of negative interactions from the pass. MSTT and Sabrina examined Drew statement of being on top of everything in the pass and was told he was to involved and needed to give the children a little more freedom. Now everyone is telling him he need to be more involved. Sabrina would just like Drew to be more involved with Esmrel academic and school behaviors.
This essay will identify a case I have been involved in and have continuously had to assess whilst on placement. It will refer to a child who will be identified as A. A is a young carer and has only recently returned home after being removed from his mothers care due to her having a substance abuse problem and mental health concerns. I will link the legal framework that was relevant to this case study and describe actions taken. Additionally these actions will demonstrate the application of social work methods and theories that were contributive elements in his intervention, offering explanations as to why these particular methods were used. Before closing, the essay will review any issues of discrimination with a reflection of the
Ms. Apple is a 45 year old African American woman who has been a widow for about 4 years. Ms. Apple has three children, whose ages range from 5-12 years old. Ms. Apple has been struggling to keep her family afloat since the death of her husband. Ms. Apple convinced herself that she would not require the extra assistance. However, she realized in attempting to provide alone has not only become very strenuous, but also quite costly. Expenses have become overwhelming for Ms. Apple to maintain, since her husband took care of the finances and was the breadwinner for the family. Ms. Apple has minimal education as she is able to read and write at grade school level. Ms. Apple also has never been employed as she was a home maker. At this
As I observed the N.A. group, I compared Hepworth 's, Direct Social Work Practice, five stages of group development. The Preaffiliation stage involves observation and feeling out the environment of the group; members may be hesitant to speak or test out certain behaviors to see reactions from other members of the group or the facilitator (Hepworth, Rooney, Rooney, & Strom-Gottfried, 2017, 2013). Returning group members greeted each other with hugs, handshakes, pat on the back, while newcomers sat quietly observing others. The facilitator provided an introduction and instructions for participation. Each member was instructed to introduce the first name, state "I am an addict" and take turns reading from the
• Relaying on Case Examples Example in everyday life: Ernestine proof that the bean diet really worked is how she lost 20 pounds in two weeks. The bean diet isn’t really nutritious considering how she lost so much weigh in a short amount of time. Yes, it does endanger a person’s health if practiced long since the person isn’t getting all of her nutrition and is limiting the amount that she eats. Example in social work practice: Guilt therapy is when the counselor makes you feel bad about your addiction or problem.
The session begin with the client discussing how she was concern about the student. She stated was having a problem with other student. The client noticed this student standing alone during recess, lunch and circle time she said this was a practice that happen every day. The client confer to the student and his answer