The encounter I am going to talk about is an incident that took place on September 28, 2017. I was invited out to eat with a co-worker and her boyfriend. I had known this co-worker for about twenty years. She was my nephew six grade teacher and I was her assisted about seventeen years ago. I tried to encourage her to get marry a couple of years ago and she just laughed at me. On Thursday morning, I received a phone call from her inviting me out for dinner. She wanted to celebrate her boyfriend birthday. I told her I would be glad to attend the dinner on Friday at 1:30 at Gibson Restaurant. Nina arrived at 1:20 and I got into the car. We talked and laughed in the car about the fun we had at work twenty years ago. In one hour we arrived at the restaurant and sat down and had dinner. …show more content…
I asked Nina if she attended church and she told me no. Then I began to talk to her about God. I told her how good God is to me and how good God will be to her if she accepts him as her personal savior. I took out my Bible while we were standing in line and read her John 1:1-5 which states, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning, with God. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend
I am a self-directed volunteer as a peer community worker for disabled people in Toronto GTA. I am willing to speak with you, in groups or publicly any time about it. Nonetheless; when rough times have fallen upon my life and health in the past, I have always responded with humor and generosity since, my gratitude is the state of mind of thankfulness. Most people can describe me as being direct, humorous, down to earth and caring for the fellow humans. At this moment in time, I am the founder and manager of Peer Community Hub, as well as a social entrepreneur whose ideas, tasks and values are to build peer to peer community drop-in center for disabilities who are directed by disability people. History of street life, disability, and cornice
Working in social care is about providing personal and practical support to help people live their lives. You could be supporting someone with a physical disability, autism, dementia or a mental health condition. You could be working in a care home, out in your local community, in a hospital or from someone's home (providing care in someone's home is often called domiciliary care. There are lots of different roles in social care depending on what you want to do, who you want to work with and where you'd like to work.
Working in the social services field was always my dream. Whether working with children, family, adults, elderly etc. this career path is so broad it instills the hope of a career opportunity. My first year working in this field was in 2010 when I interned as an intake specialist in an outpatient drug treatment facility, while completing my bachelor’s degree in human services. Thereafter, I was able to branch off in various areas such as a case manager at a domestic violence shelter, housing specialist, substance abuse counselor and now a family services specialist.
At the beginning of the session, the social worker went over the terms of a contract. The social worker explained the purpose of a contract is when an agreement is eventually put into writing, then the statement is more likely to be a term of the contract. Social worker continued to explain a contract means that each of the parties is obligated, or required to perform a duty under the contract. Social worker continued to explain the contract that will be presented today will contain five goals and five treatment objectives. Social worker stated the contract will also include the worker name, family name, date of initial intake, date of treatment plan, day/time of sessions, anticipated number of sessions and method of payment. Social worker
Safety - information must be kept confidential for safety reasons. For example, a service user’s wellbeing might be in danger as this may be reason that they have been put in our care to protect them from their family or friend.
One night, we were sitting on the porch in rocking chairs. I went into a long preamble in which I said that it was neither necessary nor expected that she should give any sort of response at all but that I needed to tell her... that I loved her. She took me at my word and said nothing at all. We met on August 11th or 12th of 1967 and got married November 25th that year, after three months. I'm not even sure if we were ever officially ‘engaged.’ We just set a date and did it. That was nearly 48 years ago and—except for the nine years we were apart—we've been together ever
State the significance to social work practice and social policy: Food insecurity and malnutrition is an endless pressing issue on the macro level of social work across the nation. This is a significance part of a social workers job is to address these issues on a larger scale. Social workers incorporate multisector strategies to address this issue through different agencies hoping to develop evaluations that would produce results of the need base for nutritional and food security programs, which leads to funding for these programs as well. The social polices of this includes providing food pantries, food banks, healthier options in school systems, and nutritional programs that helps reduce hunger and to address the poor heath concerns associated
Many people are driven to pursue a career in social work due to personal experiences that have led them to a desire to help others. Ben Carniol, author of Case Critical: Social Services and Social Justice in Canada, is no exception to this. He brings years of experience to a new perspective on where social work is headed for this country. He discusses why anti-oppressive and progressive social work practice is effective, and vital for future success, what systemic and societal barriers stand in the way of said practice, and what steps can and are being taken to overcome these obstacles. Carniol’s book brings readers on the journey that many social workers take throughout their careers, and is inspiring to those headed into this career
Hello Wendy, in response to your question, the area of social work I can envision myself pursing will be in area of child welfare. This is because of my love for children and I believe that all children have the right to stable homes where they can be well care for and their safety from abuse and neglect is guarantee. I believe children’s welfare should be a priority for both governments and communities in which they live.
I have chosen to pursue a social work education and career because I have a strong desire to help, educate, and support those in need. A second reason I chose a career in social work is because my life was positively changed by a social worker. Finally, I am drawn to the social work profession by a fierce desire to provide service to veterans. As a veteran myself, I can better empathize with the struggles they face. Also, I have first-hand experience with the services currently available, what is lacking, and who to contact to resolve issues and answer questions.
The course provides has provided me with a great understanding and knowledge a social workers role and a families function, the
Edgar Allan Poe’s works contain many Gothic elements like fear, gloom, death, the supernatural, and horror, as well as several romantic characteristics, such as high emotions, nature and a focus on individuality. Through the use of these elements, Poe is able effectively enhance a reader’s emotions and produce sensations of mystery. The short stories “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Allan Poe contain many of these elements, and in this paper I will analyze why these are classified as Gothic stories.
By any gatherable recollection, the only time my sorry-self got near the verge of proposing - to consequently elude the usual befall of circumstances, yet didn’t - was at her 19th birthday, 4 years ago. That night she felt vulnerable and melancholic at the offset of a failed relationship; thus lying in a snuggle under a lucent sky, teeming with stars staring at us in amazement, we talked for hours - as in our childhood days! In retrospect, Gayle (her name) and I, were like brother and sister; while we both carried on our respective affairs and liaisons, we kept our kinship alive - and always shared our secrets at the end. Accordingly, - as a venue for self vindication - I would state for the record the fact that the night in question I was
Choosing Social Work as a professional career choice was something that I had to really reflect on as a helping professional. Since, it did not just happen overnight, my first career choice was an Educator. I knew I wanted to be around children and educate them in any way I can because I have a love for children. But, shortly after choosing Social work as a minor and enrolling into introduction to social work, I changed my major indefinitely.
Throughout my life, I have been the type of person that people want to talk to when they are having problems. My mom tells me that I have a loving spirit and that attracts people to me. I’m not sure about that, but I do know that I have a passion to want to help people in my community. I can trace my interest in wanting to be a social worker back to my days in high school. I believe growing up the oldest of three always had me positioned to be a leader and role model, along with one who people came to when they needed help, a secret kept, advice, a ride to somewhere or someone to simply listen. My parents were not always happily married, I witnessed and was a victim of family and domestic violence. I went to a high school where drugs were visible,