
Social Work Personal Statement

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Growing up, when asked to pick one word to describe myself, I always chose the word helpful. I chose the word helpful because no matter the situation I was willing to help anyone. At the age of 14 my helpful attitude was challenged when my 4 and 5-year-old nephews were put in foster care. At the time I was to young to truly understand what was going on. One thing I did know is I couldn’t help them because it was out of my control. Because I didn't understand what was happening I began to research the process of placing a child in foster care. I was enlightened by what I learned. Many people viewed social workers as “children snatchers”, after doing my research I learned that was far from what their objective was. Social workers simply wanted …show more content…

After receiving my masters I plan to become a licensed social worker in the state of Maryland. With social work having so many fields It took me a minute to decide what field I would like to pursue. After doing my research in all the fields I believe i know when field I am most interested with. As of right now the field I am most interested in is a school social worker, specifically in Baltimore City. A school social worker interest me because I enjoy working with children and/or young adults. I am specifically interested in working as a school social worker in Baltimore City. Coming to Morgan I've heard many stories about how the kids at the local elementary, middle, and high school are perceived. During the past summer I got the opportunity to make my own perception, as I was a team leader for Baltimore City Youth Workers. The students were all in high school ranging from 9th-12th. First, going into this I was a little afraid because I wasn't sure how the youth workers would accept me. Sooner than later I would discover I had nothing to be afraid of. With my bubbly personality and opening arms the youth workers gravitated towards me quickly. What I loved most about working with the youth workers was they taught me more about myself than I knew. From this experience I learned that i have a lot of patience, according to the youth workers I’m

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