
Social Work Personal Statement Essay

Decent Essays

I attend Southern Illinois University Edwardsville which I study Criminal Justice. I am planning on getting my Master’s Degree in Social Work. I have a passion to help people, especially children/youth. I noticed that I wanted to provide counseling and be looked at as a mentor to youth back in high school. I volunteered at Chicago Youth Center (CYC) in Chicago, IL. There I helped children from low-income, non-traditionally family backgrounds in swimming. I was a junior lifeguard. I have taught children the importance of education, life lessons, and more through swimming. I love being able to give back to the community and volunteer. Volunteering at YMCA-Camp Pinewood in Twin Lake, MI taught me the importance of community involvement. I had to make sure that the camp was ready for the children in summer.
Providing the youth with a clean environment helps them have a positive outlook on life and they can have fun. I had to clean-up the camp site, build tree houses, paint, and more. I believe that summer camp is a fun safe-haven for children; therefore, the environment needs to be clean. I was apart of the community helping clean the camp. …show more content…

I assisted the nurses with caring for the patients. I wanted to volunteer there because many elders often do not have anyone to talk to since the nurses are so busy and family members do not come see them. Everyday I went to the facility I noticed a woman screaming all of the time. I asked the nurses why the woman was always screaming. I was told by the staff that the woman just always screamed for no reason. Being the loving person I am I decided to visit the woman and express I was concerned about her yelling. The woman told me that all she wanted was someone to talk to. Everyday I was there I made sure that I talked with her. That is when I learned that every living thing wants love, companionship, and affection. I knew then my calling was to be a Social Worker and continue

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