In Workfare Ideology for a New Under-Class, Shragge has written a collaboration from those who view workfare as not only an idea that will undermine the poor but not achieve the goals they are trying to. He writes that workfare is what helps drive the notion of the deserving and undeserving poor, creating a greater inequality within the poor, categorizing them. Those who are of able body and not working must complete the “requirements” to receive help/benefits. He argues that workfare punishes the poor, it turns welfare from a right to a type of paid work. Wilkinson and Pickett’s piece explores a more global view of poverty and the inequalities within our society that increases poverty. This piece adds to Shragge’s argument with evidence supporting the notion of …show more content…
First, the inequalities within poverty are already very evident, the readings related to the affects advocacy can have in making change; both readings were based on the idea of advocacy for the greater good and creating change to address the issues. Next, the idea of workfare would be directly affecting those who work in agencies, changing their work from helping people meet their basic human rights to making them fill the requirement and deeming who is “deserving”. It would shift the dynamics increasingly, and with the change would also come with Backlash. These changes would also threaten the jobs of those working in services and the possibility of more cuts to social programs, as welfare shifts from a right to a privilege. As a social worker being aware and advocating on the issues that surround our work is an important aspect of our profession, that is vital to ensuring positive change for those in need and in this case, those working in welfare agencies, with clients in poverty, and those in
This assignment involves a case study where Ralph, a fourteen year old boy, is currently in foster care because his mother; Kerry, felt she was unable to control him due to his behaviour. However, Kerry has now expressed that she is unhappy with this foster placement and has requested that her son be returned to live with her and his two younger brothers. The scenario becomes more complex owing to the fact that Ralph has disclosed that his mother had regularly hit him with a walking stick. In this essay I will seek to consider the main practice issues raised by the scenario of the case study. Using the materials provided within the course along with my own professional experience, I will outline relevant legislation
Social workers fulfill a unique role in policy creation because that is a time for them to advocate for the oppressed or individuals who are attempting to cope with the stresses of everyday life. Most social workers have the opportunity to work hands on in the field with clients during some point in their career, and during that time they are able to get a clear understanding of the problem the client is experiencing. In The Other America, Harrington makes mention of the poor and how they lost their connections to the world; that clearly depicts the importance of the social workers’ involvement with the creation of policy (Harrington, 1962). Since those living in poverty have been referred to as “politically invisible,” social workers are
Outstanding post! I am in full agreement with you! I found your interpretation of all three evaluations to be enlightening and well defined. Moreover, you have offered clear evidence of fully grasping the three types evaluations presented by Grinnell, Gabor, and Unrau (2016). Thank you for sharing your insightfulness! Calvin
of Mike Harris and the PC party a committee was set up by the Minister of
Throughout the mental health literature, there is not one set definition of the concept of recovery as there are many interpretations of what it is, and what it entails (Jacobson & Greenley, 2001).
All around the world, taxpayers are paying to help support the welfare programs. "On average, each federal income taxpayer in America spends $8,776 annually to keep federal welfare programs afloat." Most of the time, however, there are the people who abuse the welfare program by using it for drugs. So the legislation has proposed the idea of drug testing welfare applicants. According to Stephanie Larson in the article “Should We Drug Test Welfare Recipients?” currently 62% of large employers in the US have drug testing in the work place. So why not on welfare applicants? Also Pennsylvania has not yet passed legislation on this growing topic. Furthermore, approximately 18.3% of Erie County residents are below the poverty line and 29.2% of the
The job of a child welfare worker appears to be a demanding profession that promotes the child’s safety, but also strengthens the family organization around them in order to successfully raise the children. This child welfare workers work in the system known as the Child Protective Services whose initiative is to protect the overall welfare of the child. The short novel From the Eye of the Storm: the Experiences of a Child Welfare Worker by Cynthia Crosson-Tower demonstrates the skills necessary to deal with the practice of social work along with both its challenges and its happy moments. The novel consists of some of the cases involving Tower’s actual career in social work. In reading the book, I was able to experience some of the actual
Captain Rob Geis agreed to be interviewed and share his experiences with the next generation of Social Workers. Native to Ohio, he graduated High School in 1979, he continued his education at Ohio State University from 1982-1986, completing his Masters in Social Work. For the past 24 years, he has served as a Social Worker in the United States Army. In his current position he is responsible for the Department of Social Work Services. Previous positions have included: two assignments as a Division Social Worker, Medical Inpatient Social Worker, Chief of Social Work, Division Chief of Mental Health, Clinical Director of Army Substance Abuse Program, Combat Operation Stress Control Commander, and General Staff
Living in different countries, we always wonder if everyday life routines are the same. Some of these routines, would include education, social life, and most important of all career perspectives. Rules and procedures vary from the different business you apply to however do the different rules and procedures vary from the countries that business thrive from? The purpose of this essay is to describe the differences and similarities from the National Association of Social Workers and the International Federation of Social Workers.
Social work has become a recent interest due to the Georgia Southern psychology program. The information presented regarding Masters of Social Work programs peeked my interest to become a licensed clinical social worker. My Motivation for obtaining an MSW is to support the black and brown communities and become an advocate for poverty, education, and advancement. Most importantly, my second motivation is my son, having a Master’s degree will allow me to provide a better future for my family. Although I have little experience in social work, I am currently in the process of volunteering with Pineland Mental Health Counseling Center in Statesboro, Georgia working with licensed social workers.
The journey towards the attainment of the Bachelor of the social work degree has been an enlightening and educational experience, as the individual is exposed to the realities of many social and political issues in the society. As a student, I ventured into the degree, with minimal insight as to how the degree can influence and shape the way I perceive the social world, and the way I relate these matters to myself. However, throughout my endeavour, which encompasses years of theoretical studies, and two intensive placements at two drastically different organisations, I believe I have accumulated the bare minimal knowledge to possess a solid foundation about the unfairness and inequality that people in disadvantaged conditions face. Social workers are predominantly found in welfare organisations which Howe (as cited in Limber, 2015) suggested largely influences the practice, direction and values of the social worker, and impacts on their ability to act autonomously (Lymbery, 2015). During my placements, there was a dominant theme that frequently stood out and enticed my attention. This was the accepted practice of focusing on the individual’s problem, as opposed to the social problems that existed and the lack of acknowledgement about the social restrictions of the human agency that limited self-determination. The realization that organisations were managed this way was important in ensuring that I made a proactive effort to understand and untangle the reasons behind such
When working in a field of expertise the experts in that area need to know what defines that field. Social work, with its roots over a hundred years old, started out simply offering assistance to others, has grown and changed, and is currently reconnecting with its roots (Bisman, 2004). Bisman (2004) emphasizes the importance of being an advocate of justice and keeping the field focused on the “social” part of social work. This push to keep social work focused on the needs of others defines social work today. Social work focuses on providing aide to the needy and increasing awareness of those that are oppressed.
Poverty has been a social issue since the beginning of time. Social workers top priority is addressing social justice issues which poverty is the primary topic. Poverty is relevant to the social work practice because the topic falls under one of our guiding principles. In hindsight, social workers helping clients with their basic need such as shelter, food, clothing, social benefits and healthcare is one way in which, they aid in helping people rise above poverty. Social workers are in the positions where they could change social policies for our clients on a macro level by joining politician’s organizations/ committees, to assist in policy making for community needs (Miller, 2017). They also have the power to advocate for more jobs to be create for those living in poverty due to the lack of job opportunities. Additionally, social workers have the platform to educate people living in poverty. They can help families eat healthier on their household income, help in bill assistance, and offer educational classes to help one over come poverty.
My philosophy in life is to "always love more than you hate." These intense, yet natural emotions have the ability to change the world for the better, or for the worse. Living by this credo motivates me to further my education and career in the social work field.
This essay will examine the technique of workfare as a way of governing the poor. Workfare is a widely contested area which evokes many conflicting opinions at both the political and the public level. The following quote comes from Dan Hodges, a British commentator writing for The Daily Telegraph, and gives an interesting insight in one of the discussions workfare poses. Hodges writes about the way several proponents of workfare (including David Cameron, the British PM in 2012), who are quite successful themselves with their careers, condemn unemployed citizens to do anything but pleasant jobs without getting a reasonable compensation: