
Socialization Influence On American Culture

Decent Essays

In our society, there are many factors that have influence on the way we feel, behave and think. These agents of socialization include things like family, education, religion, peer group, work, mass media, and technomedia. This gives people the experience they need to survive in an American society which can be achieved through the acquisition of attitudes, values, and norms needed to help them find their sense of being an individual.
After leaving the Philippines and arriving in the United States at the age of 7, I never fully grasped just how this change in society and culture would influence my perception of the world. Although I would like to believe that I am just as American as the rest of my peers who were born here, there are always …show more content…

An example of this can be seen in the YouTube video “Gender Stereotyping of Women in the media”, by Anne Forney, which encourages females to behave a certain way in our society. Although the idea of sexism may not be apparent, women are still expected to stay in the home to cook, clean, and to please the husband. This can be seen in minutes 2:46 to 3:06 when the father states “...a woman’s place is in the home…I suppose as long as she’s in the home, she might as well be in the …show more content…

I am currently 18 years old and have lived through Erikson’s fifth stage in psychosocial development, Identity vs. Role Confusion. I wasn’t always sure about what career path I wanted to take and this frightened me. I felt confused and alone, until I learned that this was a normal stage in life that many people went through. Discovering Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development helps me feel more self-assured in the challenges I’ll face as I grow

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