What is societal disconnect? How can we prevent this? How can we bridge the gap between people and even ideas? These are all excellent questions. Let us start with the first question: what is societal disconnect? This means that a person or a cluster of people do not want to relate to society and social relations. In doing so, this person or group can be more withdrawn, possibly worried or fearful of their own surrounding or even of the world. To prevent such a thing from occurring, many people use “digital storytelling” or “digital artifacts” to show ideas and even stories to many people. In turn, it brings people together and prevents any form of societal disconnect. Many people will feel more comfortable and more open to the world and the people in our third rock away from the sun. As well as be able to see from a different perspective.
How can we show to the world our own digital artifacts or storytelling? We as people, cannot help but show our friends, family, and followers our endeavors or thoughts on certain subjects. Social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr,
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The real question should be: who does not benefit from such? Truth is, it is a way to bring many people together. However, it is a way also to tear each other apart. Take for example, the San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick action towards the pledge of allegiance along with many of the NFL players from different teams. Many people are aware and acknowledge their approval or disapproval of such events. In doing so, people use their social media to voice their opinion to stand united or not, based on their thoughts. In turn, it creates a story for the viewers, digitally. “Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively. Every time you post a photo, or update your status, you are contributing to your own digital footprint and personal brand.” A quote by Amy Jo
First, Social media can be very informative with what is going on with the news. I know personally when I wake up the first thing I do is check my Instagram. One morning when I logged on, I saw all the celebrities I was following saying prayers for Las Vegas. There was a shooting in Las Vegas that left 59 victims dead and many others injured. I check apps such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to get my news for the day and stay up to date on what is going on around me. This is a great of example of why I think social media can be used in a positive way also. By celebrities posting pictures saying prayers for Las Vegas this makes people curious of what happen, which then makes them want to google the incident. Since these celebrities use
There is no doubt that there are advantages to social media. Social media can be used to communicate with people from far distances, in the article the narrator explains “Great thing about these platforms is that they allow us to participate in each other’s lives
I believe social media can bring people together. Not only are you able to reach out to people you know but, you can people with your experiences. In the article Get Over It, Jarvis
It's allows people to express who they are. Not everyone can express themselves, social media allows a person to be themselves in addition, social media allows people to have more privilege to convey who they are. Social media makes it easier to demonstrate who the real are.
Social media allows us to connect to people all across the world. It allows us to stay connected to friends and family who are far away and people who are somewhat close that you may not see often. For example
In today's time, social media is widely used by most people and most who use it claims that it is beneficial to their everyday lives. Many people argue that social media is bad for others because it is distracting them and causing themselves harm by falling or running into others but that is because they dont pay attention, with the right amount of awareness it is very helpful. For some the only way to stay connected to businesses, familly, friends, and world problems is through places like Facebook and Twitter. Social media is more helpful in more ways than one especially when trying to get communications long distances.
It allows for questioning LGBTQ youth to be able to find countless and countless of information regarding their sexual identity, they are able to use social media to find and make close friends and able to make a difference in lives of other LGBTQ that could use the support. Social media, like a double edged sword, can be helpful in one way but dangerous in the next. All depends on the intent of the person handling
Media has undergone democratization, which means everyone with Internet access can output their form of news to a global audience. Social media platforms now rival traditional channels of news found on TV sets, radio, and newspapers aka traditional media. The most positive aspect of this technological advancement is that more marginalized people now have access to a broader platform (Internet) for their claims-making/activism to reach more than their local audience. For instance Facebook and Twitter have aided in many missing childrens cases in the US as well as the UK and the mainland of Europe. (see this link: https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2016/jan/27/facebook-twitter-missing-child-searches-social-media.
As much as social media has managed to ruin our society, it plays a positive role for the public as well. Social media allowed people to use their networks as a form of reaching out to old friends and family across the world. With America being known as the melting pot of the world, our society has several people with family on the other side of the Earth. With social media in effect, this permits people to stay in touch with long lost loved ones and keep ties tight. Not only has it sanctioned friends and family to keep in touches but has granted people to relocate birth parents and unknown family members as well. Yes, social media has failed our society greatly but there is always a rainbow somewhere after a rainy day. Social media can play a positive role by bringing people back together.
Social media as a whole has benefit our society in a number of different ways. In the essay Is Google Making Us Stupid?, author Nicholas Carr felt that technological is taking other our ability to function independently. Which is somewhat true but I for one disagree. I feel that the world of technology has had a positive impact on us, by allowing us to step out of our comfort zone and explore new world possibilities. Such as a new form of communication and the ability to work more efficiently as well as expressing our creativity.
I think social media is helping our lives. As long as you don’t listen to everything you see, social media can be fun and entertaining to be on. Social media also helps us communicate with each other. Another thing that’s helpful about social media is being
Does social media affect people? If we are connected to any social media, the platform has been a slacktivism at one point or another. Social activism is a good thing because it helps you have wealth, opportunities, and other privileges. The power of social media is hard to dismiss. What once seemed like a trivial way to keep in touch with friends, sharing photos and jokes, has become a force for societal change, shining light on subjects previously unknown, deepening conversations and empowering citizens of the world to unite and effect change in a number of ways. Interestingly, social media as a medium for connecting, organizing and communicating is powering and spreading democracy.
Since we are given these incredible tools to communicate, we need to use them. An example of a time that social media was used for good was last year when the Stop Kony campaign was trending on twitter. At it’s most popular time, #StopKony was tweeted more 1200 times a minute. The Stop Kony marketing team created a video as an experiment, having no idea that they would change the
Another substantial benefit or pro of social media is that it increases voter participation. In today’s world and society, it’s all about doing whatever everyone else is doing and whatever is popular at that given point and time. If an individual sees something on their social media including a political rally, or possibly the elections taking place, that will just make that individual want to go to that rally or participate in that election just so they can say they did it and fit in with the rest of the crowd. There was a study made where there was research done on how voter participation is affected by Facebook messages. When the numbers came back, “the Facebook social message increased turnout directly by about 60,000 voters and indirectly through social contagion by another 280,000 voters, for a total of 340,000 additional votes” (JournalistsResource). Just with that research alone shows that social media actually can benefit our politics. Without social media, less and less people could be voting because they would have never
Social media makes it easy for people to communicate and interact with each other anytime anywhere in the world. People can stay connect to their families and loved ones no matter how far they are from each other. That ability to