
Sociological Affects of Child Abuse on Victims:

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Running head: Sociological Affects of Child Abuse on Victims: Victims May Become Abusers Sociological Affects of Child Abuse on Victims: Victims May Become Abusers Author: Jenny Bailey Northeast State Technical Community College SOCI 1020 I70 Instructor: Mr. Smith Research Paper July 31, 2009 Research Discovery Process I wrote in my journal 2 to 3 days a week, and most all of the entries were the same: me feeling bad for my children because they have fathers that do not help me raise them financially or emotionally, or thinking of the memories I have shared with my children-good and bad, or the worries I have about my children growing up…..until my last journal entry on July 9, 2009, about a young boy named Cody, (whom is a friend …show more content…

These juvenile offenders each had at least two felonies on their criminal records, and most of them have been locked up in a Youth Development Center (prison for juvenile offenders) for years before we got them. These juvenile’s charges ranged anywhere from rape of a child, to vehicular homicide and attempted murder. Only 1 juvenile offender graduated the program in 2007, 10 ran away, and 8 were sent back to a Youth Development Center.” Betsy also said, “Our statistics show that only 3% of the juvenile offenders that are put into our program make it through the program, live productive social lives, and do not go back into custody, or to prison”. (Betsy Brown, Personal Interview, July 16, 2009) According to White, Donat, and Bondurant (2007, p. 95), in the book ‘Taking Sides Clashing Views in Gender’:“Children, especially those from abusive homes, have many opportunities to learn that the more powerful person in a relationship can use aggression to successfully control the less powerful person”. Abused children tend to be caught up in damaged relationships and are not socialized in positive, supportive ways. Children in these situations learn defiance, manipulation, and other problem behaviors as ways of escaping maltreatment. Abuse is a pattern that leads the victims to learn to exploit, degrade, or terrorize. They may also come to expect interpersonal

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