
Sociological Imagination In Australian Society

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Use your sociological imagination to reflect on your position in Australian society today. What social factors have shaped who you are? (750 words) In this essay I will reflect upon how social factors such as gender and family life have influenced my position in Australian society. At the age of 13 my parents decided that I was old enough to catch the train into the city. When my brother reached this age my parents were more reluctant in allowing him the same privilege, according to them I was more mature so they trusted that I would be responsible. However, this opinion differed to other things we did when growing up such as going to parties and going out at nigh. My parents were hesitant and were always reluctant to let me go especially when I first started asking. At parties I was sent off with …show more content…

My brother started going to parties at a younger age and the advice he was given was to “stay away from alcohol and drugs” and “call when you want to be picked up”. When I started going out with friends at night my parents were never comfortable unless they knew I was with a big group and that my male friends would also be there. Again, this differs from my brother’s experience. This change in my parent’s attitude towards my brother and myself demonstrate how gender plays such a strong role in how individuals are treated. These examples explore how two people can be in the same situation but are treated differently purely because one is female and one is male. The attitude my parents had towards my safety was reflected by the idea of the risks associated with being a

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