
Sociological Imagination Report

Decent Essays

Ikea Hicks
September 12, 2015
Professor Goldberg
Introduction to Sociology
Sociological Imagination In order to understand the term “social imagination,” it is important to identify what Sociology is and what do sociologists study. Sociology is the study of society and a sociologist is a person who studies society. But, what is a society? Society is you! Our families, our friends, our co-workers are also considered a society as well. Sociologists are always trying to understand how individual’s behaviors are influenced by the social world. For instance, C. Wright Mills, a famous American sociologist, introduced the concept sociological imagination. According to C. Wright Mills, sociological imagination is the method to looking at things …show more content…

College has always been the most important of my life. College leads to matureness. Leaving home and exploring my own dreams was the best decision I made in my life. I have gained a lot of knowledge from college. Obviously, college is a time when I truly become an individual. When I attended college, I had the opportunity to become more independent and to take on new responsibilities. I have always relied on my parents for support, but at college I was on my own and I had to strive harder. College had taught me that it will help me to become more mature and will help me grow in my character. Right now, I have an accurate idea concerning what I want to do with my life. I am currently a full-time student in the pursuit of becoming an Accountant. Yet, I am also aware that I may change my mind several times before I begin a career. College has introduced various things and I have developed new interests from this exposure. During my high school years, I have been very involved in school and community activities. However, in college, I do not take advantages of my opportunities with school activities but I do show up for the class on time ready to learn. Besides, college responsibilities are different than high school. In high school, your teacher would tell you what assignments to complete, while as, in college, the professor expects you to read the syllabus. Overall, being a college student has put a lot of pressures …show more content…

As stated earlier, sociological imagination allows us to get out of our own mind with regard to how we think about social issues and allows us to step into other person’s shoes to see things from their perspectives. For instance, I used sociological imagination to overcome my challenges because I am putting myself in another person point of view about why my problems exist. Remember earlier when I said, we think that problems are individual problems that are not social problems. Nevertheless, here is an example. When my professor asks the students how many of them are struggling to make end meet, a lot of them raise their hands including me. When you think about why they are struggling to make ends meet, you think that the person is not working hard enough or they need to have a tighter budget. You are constantly pointing your fingers to the individual. But, what is a social problem? What if the problem is out of their control? C. Wright Mills want us to get out of our own mindset and look at “their” situation from their perspective, which deals with the sociological imagination. Therefore, sociological imagination wants us to try and understand their situation about struggling. It gets you out of the notion of a fixed mindset that the individuals created the problem but allows us to look at the situation as a social problem. For

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