
Sociological Imagination Research Paper

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Sociological Imagination
While researching the topic “Sociological Imagination”, I found many different things. Sociological Imagination requires one to step back from their everyday life, and view things in a completely different way. To possibly gain a new perspective on different events and/or problems, and specifically what causes them. It appears that the most common description of this would be to try and experience or see the world through someone else’s eyes; so we can better understand what problems they are faced with in their personal life. This is very important for people in society to do, as it helps us to better understand where they are coming from, or what they are experiencing at the moment. The term sociological imagination, itself was coined by C. Wright Mills. C. Wright Mills has defined Sociological Imagination as “the vivid awareness of the relationship between experience and the wider society.”
When you are first introduced to the term sociological imagination, it may seem quite strange. Since many are unaware of what it may be, it is your Sociologist’s job to introduce you to what exactly a sociological imagination is, and help you …show more content…

To be able to see things from a different perspective, would help us to improve our understanding of society. One can never fully understand what another person is going through, until we put ourselves in their shoes and experience their problems. Experiencing another’s problems, should help us to better understand our own. When we finally identify the origin of the problem, we can then look for a solution. If there is a possible solution to the problems of society we must readily try to fix them; as it will in theory help us generate a superior society. Although an individual alone cannot fix many of the problems society at large faces, if everyone who is affected came together the problem could then be

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