
Sociological Imagination Summary

Decent Essays

Sociological imagination is a concept brought forward by C. Wright Mills in his book by the same name. The main idea of the sociological imagination is that our personal beliefs or decisions may actually be influenced by society . Why do we prefer certain foods? or appearances and behaviors ? It gives us an insight into a bigger a picture , to forgo traditional thinking. In the article sociologist Murray Melbin has shown the similarities in comparing the social life in American cities at night to that of the frontiers of the old west. Some of the similarities he noted were that the population was less and more diverse, there weren’t many social constraints , violence and lawlessness was seen more and certain groups interested in the night or frontier would come out. Melbin also conducted tests in Boston to substantiate his view that there is more helpfulness and friendliness at night. The test were carried out at different times during a 24 hour timeframe. He concluded that between 12 AM and 7AM, people were more likely to assist and socialize with a complete stranger, while knowing the apparent dangers of the night. Melbin’s view gives us an understanding of the …show more content…

Society has projected an image of beauty be it through ads, media beauty products and social media. There are various make up products with the words flawless or pore eraser and even anti-aging. Is it bad to have flaws? Are we supposed to hide the fact that that we are aging? Is aging not a natural occurrence which happens to every human being? The society we live in has defined beauty for us. I think I’m not beautiful because of a certain physical trait and this mentality does not affect just me it affects a majority of our young population. Who are already having to deal with self-esteem issues and that is because society is promoting an alternate image of

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