
Sociological Perspectives: A Social Analysis

Decent Essays

I have chosen the issue of NEGATIVE societal impacts of social networking sites for my review of the three major sociological perspectives, namely structural functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interactionism. I am a Town Clerk for a small Town and I have recently been assigned the task of maintaining its Facebook Page, so the matter is of some importance to me. Social networking sites can be compelling and addictive, carving out precious time that could be utilized for other possibly more important endeavors. Lately, we have heard in the news how some social networking sites use personal information gleaned from a person’s use of the sites. The more we communicate on-line, the less we communicate face-to-face and thereby possibly …show more content…

These aspects of culture serve to meet the wants and requirements of a society; therefore, a society’s culture mirrors its values. Social networking sites keep people in touch on a global scale, which is what people want, to get together to help meet each person’s needs, to socialize, as well as to form and maintain relationships. Some people even feel as though they are contributing to society as a whole through their involvement on these sites, such as providing current information on events, activities and news. This cohesive interaction and sharing of ideas could be seen as a pulse of the people and imparts a sense of power for individuals that together make a difference because government and big business do respond to social media. For a structural functionalist, everything is fine as is, if social order and stability are …show more content…

A symbolic interactionist is also concerned with the discernible reasons for these occurrences, responses and their interpretations. Language commonly used on social media sites is different than language used in a more formal setting; ideas and information seem to flow freely. This perspective explores the uses of social media, especially the positive aspects, including what people find to be evocative and even as it relates to

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