First, the sample shows how a Sociology course, known as “Aging”, aided me in practicing my communication skills by using words only, but also aided me in obtaining more knowledge about “Aging” from my Professor, as well as from the author of the assigned book for this particular course. In addition, it allowed me to use my creative writing skills to take a reader on an elevator ride that consist of stops on each floor that taught a lesson of each chapter in the book.
Next, the disciplines that are applied are the biological, the psychological and the sociological perspectives and aspects of aging.
We all will one day face the reality of growing older. There are many aspects of this change that will affect us in a large way. According to the Merck Manual of Health and Aging, 1.5% of Americans are 85 or older. This research states that the number of people 100 years or older could rise from 1 out of 5,578 in the year 2000, to 1 out of 472 in the year 2050. It brings out that women have a longer life expectancy than men, among people aged 65 and older in the year 2000, there were 70 men for every 100 women. For people aged 85 and older the figure was 41 men for every 100 women. The site goes on to say that approximately 11% of Americans aged 65 and older are below the poverty line. (The Merck Manual of Health and Aging:
Ageism is a popular and important topic to discuss as it represents a great issue in today’s society. The article “Ageism in America” focuses on the biases and stereotyping of older people here in America. The elderly is highly discriminated against and we tend to not realize this enough. Ageism is an ever growing concern in the United States and is an issue that needs to be resolved.
The disengagement theory believes that growing old isn’t a nice, cheerful experience and that inevitably we end up alone. The theory was formulated by Cumming and Henry in the 1960s who defined how the relationship between older individuals and other members of society onto older individuals decrease in quality.
I will be presenting part of what I am thinking to write about in the chapter, at the Aging and Society's 6th Interdisciplinary conference in October. If the presentation would not violate the terms of the chapter submission, I would be very happy to contribute to the book.
Committee on Aging, United States Senate, 101st Cong. (1990). (Serial No. 101-J). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Analysis of the effect of Age and disease on the body structure and functions: Aging is often associated with the structural and functional changes such as altered sensory and motor continence, appetite, hunger, thirst, diminished pulmonary ventilation, reduced bone density, immobilisation, sensory deprivation, short term memory loss and altered mood. These factors can contribute towards more hospitalisation, immobilisation, less social interaction and more dependency on the health and social care staff, nurses, clinicians and health care providers (American College of Physicians, 2004) M3 Aging is a continuous and gradual process that begins in early childhood, adulthood and middle age where the body functions gradually begin to decline
Chapter Two Questions 1.) There are three fields that make up Gerontology, and they include: biomedicine, psychosocial studies, and socioeconomic-environmental studies. Biomedicine studies look at the change in the body that comes with age, including studies of DNA, cells, the body’s systems, stress, and dementia. Biomedicine investigates questions that help them understand the treatment of human diseases. Psychosocial studies look at the changes that take place inside the individual and between individuals and groups.
doctor, then what are they to do? They can not just sit at home and
If there is prejudice against people of different cultures, sexual orientation, and class, it is no surprise that there is also prejudgment towards people based on their age. Ageism, coined by Robert Neil Butler is the discrimination against groups or individuals on the basis of their age. As it was discussed in Todd Nelson’s “Ageism: the Strange Case of Prejudice Against the Older you”, there are lot of factors on why people may have certain prejudicial attitudes towards the elderly. It could all be sourced from the society’s perspective on change, fear of death, institutionalization of ageism, etc. Since the study of age prejudice is fairly new and constantly expanding, researchers are still finding new discoveries on factors regarding ageism (Nelson, 2011, p. 37). Studies done by Lee, Carpenter, and Meyers suggests that television advertisements may alter the viewers attitudes about older adults by portraying them a certain way. These findings are important because among all forms of media, television is perhaps the most pervasive in society (Lee et al., 2006). Another study, “the role of individual difference variables in ageism” reveals that empathy traits, personality traits, and gratitude have influence on ageist beliefs. The researchers claim it may be crucial in weeding out certain characteristics of people who may show age
Ageism is described by "Ageism in America is Hurting Us All, a webpage about senior living, as “a prejudice against older people” ("Ageism in America is Hurting Us All). Provided by the same source, it is explained that “according [to] the World Health Organization, ageism is most rampant in high-income countries, like the United States” ("Ageism in America is Hurting Us All). According to "Ageism in America is Hurting Us All, they found, in a study, that 70% of older Americans concur they had been insulted or mistreated, because of their age. Furthermore, American Society on Ageing, a website giving knowledge about older adults, reported “the term ‘ageism’ was coined in 1969 by Robert N. Butler, M.D., [at the time was a 42-year-old psychiatrist]”
A learner’s ability to communicate effectively through writing to his/her target audiences is a major prerequisite for academic success. It is also a major pillar of success in one’s career across all areas of practice. Even though, writing clearly is critical to one’s academic and career success, I have not always loved writing. In fact, for a long time I despised writing. At one point, I had a feeling that my writings skills were bound to remain stagnated throughout my life. However, time has proven that I was wrong. My attitude and outlook towards virtually all genres of writing has changed positively. The various helpful methods I have been exposed to by my English teachers through different grades have helped me
Social aging is referring to the changes in individual’s roles and relationship in the society as they age. There are many different theories concerning sociological aging. Social theories on aging examine the relationship between individual experiences and social institutions e.g., aging and retirement; aging and institutional care; aging and government policy etc (Barkan 2012). All have limitations, and some can be considered more than others when attempting to understand social changes in aging. Also individuals move through life surrounded by social support system. Some theories of aging such as, role theory, activity theory, modernization, etc. consist of different ways older adults transition through life such as, networks of relatives, friends, and organization that help provide emotional support and help in managing activities in daily living.
If we want to understand a culture, should we look at the life of youth and the trends followed by them or should we look at the life of the elderly. Although, the young can tell us about how live in a particular culture is evolving how is shaped nowadays, the elderly can help us more understanding the history and the values. In my opinion, I believe talking to the elderly will help appreciate the culture of its aspects better than the youngster for some reasons that I will discuss here.
Aging! We all do it every day, but have you ever thought how it is going to affect the rest of your life or more importantly your career? Aging isn’t something that we get to choose if we participate in, however working is, and aging may affect that choice. Right now, I want you to think about the age of sixty-five. What words pop into your head when you think of someone sixty-five? I’d imagine some of the words you thought of were retired, old, fragile, slow, as well as many others. Those words right there all help to explain the many concerns that one’s employer may have when hiring someone that is of the older population. When we think of the older population in the work force we don’t necessarily think of positive things, instead we think of things. When we think of this population in the workforce we generally think of lower production rates and higher costs. These can create issues among the older population, as employers must consider all the possibilities when hiring someone. We know that more people in the older population are continuing to try to continue their careers, but why? How hard is it for them to continue? What changes have made it easier? How are the younger and middle aged populations perceiving them in the work place? This are only some of the many question surrounding the increase of aged workers.
This course has expanded my knowledge and view of reading and writing vastly. Following each paper, reading, and class discussion I learned more about myself as a student, and the world as a whole. I have found the books Rules for Writers and Ways of Reading thoroughly helpful throughout the course. This class entails a variety of aspects of the problem-posing concept of education; it truly involves the students and teaches them to think, read, and write individualistically, analytically, and clearly.