
Sociological Perspectives Of Assimilation Essay

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Assimilation is a process where formerly distinct and separate groups have taken the time to come and share a common socially. This is where a minority group adapts to a custom in attitudes of the prevailing culture and customs. The three sociological perspectives of assimilation is race relation cycle, Gordon's stages of assimilation, and human capital theory. In race relations cycle groups first come into contact with a conflict and competition between them. This process moves toward separate groups coming together and sharing that common culture socially. After a certain amount of time the differences in these groups will lose the important and separate. In Gordon's stages of assimilation there are three stages first being acculturation …show more content…

The sociological perspectives of assimilation has advantages and disadvantages of a functionalist approach that emphasizes on social unity, but has been criticized for being unable to account for social conflict systemic inequalities like race, gender, and class. The importance and variation in assimilation is 2 bring ethnic and racial groups together to share their culture and become mutually exclusive without creating a barrier within their groups. Pluralism is groups remaining separate with their culture and social different being this way over time. When you have groups that have not acculturated and maintain their own identity differing in the language they speak in their religions this is called cultural pluralism. When a group occupies different location in the social structure but speaks the same accent or eat the same food this is called structural pluralism. Integration without pluralism is a group that has the material success but has not became Americanized because they either have not learned English or adopt values and

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