
Socrate and the Examined Life

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The significance of the Examined life
Adrian Eames 951105878
Section leader: Elizabeth Grosz
The Trial and Death of Socrates takes place during a time in Socrates life where he becomes most reflective. During these final moments of Socrates life a theme arises, that of the unexamined life. Socrates claims that “the unexamined life is not worth living” (Apology 38a). Profound as the statement may seem it creates many questions; what is the unexamined life? And why is the idea of an examined life so dear to Socrates? It 's clear throughout the dialogues of The Trial and Death of Socrates has a sort of obsession with questioning the world around him, and discovering truth. These dialogues highlight an inner struggle within Socrates as he …show more content…

Socrates uses his apology to to attack the wealthy and those who chase after positions of power “Wealth does not bring about excellence, but excellence makes wealth and everything else good for men, both individually and collectively” (apology 30b). This quote provides two insightful pieces of knowledge about Socrates. The first is that it shows his perception of wealth and what it is to be truly wealthy, to Socrates quality of life is wealth. The second is it shows that Socrates believes that doing the right thing will lead to a better quality of life, or what he considers to be wealth.
Above all Socrates greatest interest is the state of ones soul. While Socrates is accused and put to death for being an atheist it is clear that Socrates does believe in the gods and in fact believes them to be all powerful. Socrates seems aware that he is destined to be put to death from the start of the dialogues as his main focus is always on right and wrong, pious and impious. After spending what seems like an eternity trying to define pious and impious Socrates and Euthyphro arrive at a dead end, Socrates shows his determination by saying “so we must investigate again from the beginning what piety is, as I shall not willingly give up before I learn this” ( Euthyphro 15d). It 's clear that Socrates

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