
Socrates Role In Ancient Athenian Democracy

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Ancient Athens has played a major role in forming our Democracy today. It was one of the first city-states of its time, and is still one of the most famous cities in the world. It was named after Athena, the goddess of wisdom and the city's patron (Greek Gods Goddesses). In 508 BC, Athens became one of the first societies in ancient times to establish democracy. Since then, our society has adopted many of their principles and agreements.
One of the agreements that was passed during ancient Athenian times was the reconciliation agreement. In the game I was in favor of the reconciliation agreement and wanted it to be passed. It is a law that will provide forgiveness for any and all supporters of the Thirty Tyrants. The law states that, “No Athenian shall remember the past wrongs of those who supported the Thirty, or initiate any lawsuits against them.”
The agreement will then ensure legal protection for Socrates. I am firm believer in Socrates because I am a Socratic and I also was baffled by Socrates himself. He was the one who lectured me on philosophy and anyone else who would listen to him in the Agora (gathering place in ancient Greek city-states). I found him mesmerizing and gave up everything to become his student. So, I decided to follow in his footsteps to become a philosopher (ROLE SHEET). …show more content…

Yes, what the Thirty Tyrants did may seem unforgivable to some but as a city they needed to get passed it. Any violence against an Athenian weakens Athens itself. The city of Athens must come together in the set of trials against supporters of the Thirty, it will slash Athens apart. Athenians should reconcile; they should make each other better, stronger. They should not be fighting each

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