Friends and enemies can be made anywhere, including from literature. In the novel, The Outsiders, there is a plethora of diverse characters that can be found. Every character could be someone that plays a role in your life, whether it be as a friend, a frenemy, or someone that you despise enough to want to kill them. Sodapop is a stellar example of someone who you could become lifelong friends with, Two-Bit is someone who could be your frenemy, and one of the people that you might want to exterminate is Darry. These three characters have varying personalities that make you want to get along, or not get along, with them. Sodapop is someone who has potential in becoming your friend for an ample amount of time, and there are several reasons
The outsiders is a novel of conflicts- greaser against soc, rich against poor, the desire for violence against the desire for peace. The characters of Dally and Johnny affect the novelś conflicts as greasers and as friends of Ponyboy, however they have opposite personalities and approaches. Johnny is quiet, caring, and loyal. however Dally is mean, caring, and tough.
The Outsiders illustrates the theme through the relationship of Ponyboy and Darry throughout the course of the book. In the beginning of the book, Darry slaps Ponyboy because he came home very late. This causes Ponyboy to run away from home with Johnny. Ponyboy tells Johnny, “‘He didn’t use to be like that...we used to get along okay...before Mom and Dad died. Now he just can’t stand me,’” (Hinton 51). This quote shows that Ponyboy is isolated from his brother. It shows how Ponyboy and Darry are drifting further apart from each other due to the death of their parents. Later on in the book when Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally are in the hospital, Sodapop and Darry come to see how they are all doing. When Darry and Sodapop see Ponyboy, they have a
Fighting in a vacant lot, a church on fire, heroes saving kids and a stabbing in the park keeps you wanting to know the full story. The Outsiders is a story about how the Greasers get in fights with the Socs.The three brothers are in the Greaser gang. These three kids come together as a family. Although the book said ponyboy's parents died in a accident in the movie they died in a train crash.Johnny parents were both in the movie and book because the book said how bad they were and the movie show them fighting.Although in the book it had the horse that belongs to sodapop it’s name is mickey.Cherry Valance didn’t like dally in the movie or the book.Johnny and ponyboy are different because one has different hairdo then the other.Darry and ponyboy
S.E. Hinton’s the Outsiders takes place in a little town in Oklahoma where the town is divided in two by the Socs and Greasers. This book is mainly about Ponyboy Curtis who is the youngest of the member of the Greasers and always hang around his brother Sodapop and doesn’t believe his oldest brother Darry cares for him.
Describe each of the characters and their relationship with one another. (There are seven (7) characters so far ! just small bunches of friends who stick together... you take up for your buddies, no matter what they do. When you're a gang, you stick up for your members. If you don't stick up for them, stick together, make like brothers, it isn't a gang anymore. It's a pack.
If you were in the book The Outsiders, you would be a part of one group, either the ‘Greasers’ or the ‘Socs’. The ‘Socs’ came from a rich background and the ‘Greasers’ came from a poor one. In the book The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, Johnny and Ponyboy run away after Johnny kills a Soc. Then tension rises between the two gangs, and the church Johnny and Ponyboy were staying at, sets fire! Johnny and Ponyboy save the kids, which were inside the church, from the fire and become heroes. The Greasers win the rumble and Johnny dies from his injuries in the fire. Finally, Ponyboy writes The Outsiders as an English paper. The Outsiders is about how Ponyboy grows up with a rivalry between gangs in the mid-1960s in Tulsa, Oklahoma. One person who stands out in this story is Johnny, a round and dynamic character. He is a round character because we see different sides of him throughout the story. He is Dynamic because he changes throughout the story. Johnny would not know what love and affection was because his father abused him and his mother ignored him. Johnny is shy, caring, and mature.
Mediator Vision the average group of friends where it includes two people that disagree often. Put in the position of a mediator. Would you be able to keep your composure and emotions inside? Could you keep a smile to keep the two tolerating one another? A skillful way of words so that it isn’t visual whose side you’ve chosen?
In the book the Outsiders, Ponyboy faces many conflicts, some had carried more significance than others. The author of this novel is S.E. Hinton. The main characters of this novel are Ponyboy Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, and Darrel Curtis (Darry). The Outsiders is novel about the wars between the two social classes formally known as Socs (The higher class/richer people) and the Greasers (The lower class/poorer blue collar workers.) This novel however is told from the perspective of the Greasers, more specifically a young boy at the bottom of a small gang or family of greasers. In the novel The Outsiders the character Ponyboy experience multiple conflicts with his family, his friends, and the law.
The Outsiders is an action filled novel by S.E. Hinton. The story tells the tragic, beautiful, and confusing life of a greaser named Ponyboy. Ponyboy learns that stereotyping can really hurt people feelings, ruin relationships and can even be deadly. For example Ponyboy’s friend Dally dies because of stereotyping, stereotyping also might have caused Ponyboy to never meet someone who would eventually become a good friend, and Ponyboy could have died because of stereotyping.
Have you ever had two friends that are enemies? In the story, The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, Cherry Valance (her real name is Sherri) is a fashionable, fiery, red headed, emotional, understanding, and trustworthy friend. The story took place in the mid 1960’s in Tulsa, OK. Greasers and Socs are two very different, yet same groups, which most definitely do not get along. After Ponyboy and Johnny got jumped, Johnny killed Bob, a Soc who was also Cherry’s boyfriend. During Ponyboy and Johnny’s hiding out in an abandoned church, the church starts on fire, while the children are playing in there. Johnny and Ponyboy somehow made their way back in to save the kids. Johnny and Ponyboy both made it out alive. Unfortunately, however, Johnny gets out with severe burns and a broken back. While he is in the hospital, Cherry has a conflict with herself: she is asked by Ponyboy to go see Johnny in the hospital, but she says no because she doesn’t want to face the person who killed Bob. In the time of the trial, Cherry and other Soc’s testify and come clean about the night of the stabbing. Consequently, since they told the truth, Johnny, Sodapop, and Darry all got to stay together. Cherry Valance is an emotional, caring, and trustworthy friend.
Pippin is a Tony-Award winning musical that captures the eyes of anyone who has the chance to see the show. It is a show like no other with tricks, stunts, and an overall show that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The music is intriguing and mystifying. Stephen Schwartz wrote the music and lyrics while the book is by Roger O. Hirson. Bob Fosse who is a legacy in the musical theatre world was the original Broadway production director. Fosse also contributed to the libretto.
The Outsiders is a wonderful novel to read in the classroom because of its conflicts with one another. During this novel, the Curtis brothers realize that they are the only family they have left, and they make the best out of that. Throughout this novel, Darry, Soda, and Pony have changed dramatically throughout this
The 1967 novel The Outsiders by S.E Hinton is about the social outcasts; the Greasers and their rivalry against the high class Socs. In the beginning of the book the characters values and attitudes are revealed to the reader through the point of view of Ponyboy. As the book progresses and the lives of the characters take a turn for the worse there is a significant impact on the characters resulting in an alteration of their values and attitudes. Ponyboy, Dally and Johnny experience these changes due to the death of Bob the Soc and the chain of events that follow.
Moreover, Soda is also a funny guy. This is being seen when Pony says “I had to grin, Soda can make you grin no matter what.” (pg. 8). Saying that Soda can make anyone laugh no matter what. That shows that no matter what emotion someone is feeling Soda can get a laugh out of anyone. Another example of Sodapop’s humor is when Pony said “You’re funny. We ought
The Outsiders is a young adult novel written by S.E. Hinton. The book was first published in 1967 by The Viking Press. Today, the book is published under Speak, an imprint of Penguin Group. The book has a total of a hundred and eighty pages. The Outsiders fits in the genre of young-adult fiction because it relates to teens on emotional levels. Like Ponyboy, the teen protagonist of the story, teens relate to his emotional growth as he tries to piece his life together. The story follows a rivalry in a socially divided community. The Greasers are a gang of teenage boys who live on the east side of town; the wrong side of town. Their rivals, the Socials, better known as the Socs; come from the wealthier side of town. The two groups are always head to head with one another, seeking a fight. Ponyboy belongs to the Greasers. He is the youngest out of the three brothers in his family. Apart from his brothers, Ponyboy hangs out with Johnny, Dallas, Two-Bit and others who are also Greasers. The rivalry between the two groups heightens when Johnny kills Bob, a Soc, in an attempt to save Ponyboy from drowning. In this book report, I will go through the meaning of this book and my opinion on the story itself.