It’s not strange to see a blind man! But to see a whole city of blind men is another thing.
The people in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were very wicked and perverted. So much so that when they saw two men enter lot’s house, they knocked on his door and said “Send those men out to us that we might know them (they meant sexually)”. The men were angels. They pulled lot back into the house and blinded the whole city of men. Even though they were blinded, they still kept trying to find the door and forcibly get to the visitors in lot’s house.
This 19th Chapter of Genesis shows you just what God says about homosexuality. Having sex anally is what the men in these cities practiced. The word “Sodomy” comes from the City of Sodom. So, don’t get angry at me for telling you the truth, I’m only giving you God’s
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When God told him to leave his home, kindred and his father’s house and go to a strange land, Abraham obeyed. He didn’t worry how it looked to anyone. When the Lord tells us to do something, we worry about how it will look to others. Usually, the things God tells us to do seem strange anyway. Why do you think it requires faith? I’d rather look crazy to man and please God any day. On one occasion however, when he had to stop in Gerab, he feared for his life because his wife was beautiful and if a ruler of a land liked your wife, they would kill you and take her. So, he told his wife Sarah to say that she was his sister. This kept him from being killed but that king still had made plans for Sarah to be his wife. Well, because Abraham was going to be “The Father of many nations” and because Sarah was part of that plan, God shut up the wombs of the house of King Abimelech; his wife couldn’t conceive and the maid servants couldn’t either. The Lord spoke to the king in a dream and let him know that he was a dead man for Sarah is someone’s wife. Abraham and Sarah confessed all and was rebuked by the king but blessed and released
More we read and study the more God will reveal Himself through His Word II. Obedient Faith A. Abraham obeyed. 1. Went where God told him to (Heb. 11:8) 2.
The city of Sodom and Gomorrah is an ancient, biblical city that was known for it’s wickedness and corruption. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah can be found primarily in Genesis chapters 18 through 19. In these passages the Lord describes the condition of the cities and its people as well as the plans he has for everyone in it. I will go over why God had to destroy these cities and why he can justify doing so and how the annihilation of this city proved God’s love to be perfect. These passages of scripture will be completely dissected and how this scripture can be applied to current, everyday life. Lot and his family will be discussed and why he and his family play such an important role in the story of these two corrupt and wicked cities. Also a comparison between modern day America and how it very closely reflects the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in many ways.
The God of the Bible knew Sodom to be an extremely wretched place, and vowed to destroy it. Abraham pleaded with God to spare it, and God agreed that if there were 10 righteous people in Sodom, he would spare it. God failed to find any righteous people other than Lot and his family, therefore he began to destroy Sodom. God told Lot to run from the city and not look back. Lot took has family and fled, but his wife stopped and looked back, and was turned into a pillar of salt.
Sodom and Gomorrah are Biblical cities in the book of Genesis that were destroyed by God for the evils the people in them were involving themselves with. God turned them into ashes and condemned them to destruction to be an example to anyone living ungodly afterwards. This action would act as a clear warning that it will happen once again to all who are wicked. The cities are mentioned in the Bible, Genesis, the New Testament and also in the hadith and the Quran. According to the Biblical readings, the cities had grown acts of homosexuality, luxury, greed, lust and violence. The sexual problem had become a symptom of fetid, stubborn and deep rebellion again God and all that was innocent, good, free, natural and simple.
In that act of faith, Abraham does not try to avoid what God has mandated, nor does he resign himself to what appears to be an inevitable fate for his son. Instead, he places absolute faith in the idea that God will save his son, that his son will not die. He maintains this faith even as he brings the knife to his son’s throat, which is a faith so powerful that there exists only one other known example of it: the faith of Mary when God tells her he is the father of her son. These acts of faith are profound and beautiful, and they serve as examples of absolute faith: it seems as though Mary and Abraham existed in order for these examples of absolute faith to exist. They served a very specific purpose in God’s kingdom, and their stories are retold in order to inspire people: not to a life of absolute faith, but instead to worship God for his infinite love for his creation. Faith, for a person not chosen by God for such a specific purpose, can only be an approximation of the absolute, and there exists an immaturity in a person who allows for absolute faith in their life towards God.
Leviticus 18:22 says, " Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Leviticus 20:13 says, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Therefore, these scriptures make homosexuality against my
"Sodom and Gomorrah have become symbols of human wickedness especially associated with Homosexuality and Sodomy".(Green) Even though Sodom and Gomorrah were in fact destroyed by God for “all of their wickedness”(Walvoord and Zuck 60) and "not even ten righteous people could be found" ”(Walvoord and Zuck 60) in those cities. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for there sins against God. In the book of Genesis the only reason given for those cities destruction is “Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because there sin is Grave.”(Genesis 18:22)
Christianity has strict regulations when it comes to sex. According to the bible sex is an act of procreating between a married man and women. The definition does not stray from that and it is not flexible. Any other type of sex is deemed a sin. Sexuality can be related to gender or how someone identifies themself, for example homosexual or heterosexual. Sex is more than just an act, it can be ones desire, behavior, or identity. It also provides a system of power, rules for living, and regulates our behavior. Recently there have been attempts to broaden Christianity to accept homosexuals but the movement is still slow. Monsignor Krysztof Olaf Charamsa announced that he was a homosexual to the Vatican, and lost his position. This shows how even religious figures can be gay and Christianity is not broadening its beliefs to include homosexuals, it is merely rejecting them.
Known as a great representation of biblical faith, Abraham defines faith throughout the latter part of his life. The definition of faith is, “A firm belief in something or someone for which there may be no tangible proof; complete trust,” also, “A loving trust, calculated risk, and an ongoing process with seasons of darkness and doubt.” (Fairchild) Abraham chooses to follow God willingly and with unwavering faith.
Nearly every action in Abraham's life shows his great faith in God. He left his country and countrymen, He believed the promise of a son though such a birth was naturally impossible, He was even willing to offer Isaac, the son of promise, when God demanded it. Because of his great faith, he enjoyed the victory of faith (Gen. 22:12).
If God wanted people to be homosexual, he would have created Adam and Steve not Adam and Eve. He would have also made it be possible for the same genders to have
Homosexuality is clearly condemned in the Bible. It undermines God 's created order when He made Adam and Eve, a man and a woman, to carry out His command to
Abraham`s amazing faith in God was demonstrated in multiple ways at different times. One of these times was when God told him to move his whole household away from everything he had ever known. Abraham obeyed God without hesitation. He also demonstrated faith when he asked God if he would save the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah if God found ten righteous people. In that instance he was showing that he knew that God was a righteous and forgiving God. The greatest test of his faith however was when God told Abraham to sacrificed Isaac to the mountain Moriah. Abraham
The power of temptation is always a recurring theme in the Bible from Adam and Eve to the New Testament stories. Not only can you find the dangers of temptation in the Bible, it is also always a prevalent theme among pop culture and even stories in Greek Mythology. In Genesis 19, Lot is seen trying to leave Sodom because God sent plagues upon the land to destroy the evil men within it and Lot and his family were able to escape. However, they
The story of Abraham and his descendants is found in the book of Genesis. When we first meet Abraham, he was in Genesis chapter 11, although at this stage his name is Abram. This is a polytheistic age, an age when people believed in and worshipped many gods. Paul noted that Abraham’s belief was unhampered by the fact that he was almost a hundred years old; he was not weak in faith. He was strong in faith. Faith is a deep conviction that God’s words are true, and that God will perform all that he promises. Abraham simply believed that God would do what he said. For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Highest God, who met Abraham as he was returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him, now it came about after these things, that God tested Abraham, and said to him, "Abraham!" And he said, "Here I am." Now observe how great this man was to whom Abraham, the patriarch, gave a tenth of the choicest spoils (Genesis 22:1). As we all know families have their ups and downs nobody is perfect and if the family is perfect then something is wrong and needs to be evaluated.