
Software and High School Essay example

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Software And High School

The beginning of the 1990's is marked by the era of computers.
Everywhere we look ,we see computers. They have become an essential part of our every day life. If the world's computer systems were turned off even for a short amount of time, unimaginable disasters would occur. We can surely say that today's world is heading into the future with the tremendous influence of computers. These machines are very important players in the game, the key to the success however is proper software (computer programs). It is the software that enables computers to perform a certain tasks. Educational systems in developed countries realize the importance of computers in the future world and therefore, emphasize their …show more content…

In order get these positive results, every child has to have a chance to use the technology on a daily basis

Mathematics is one of the scientific fields that has employed the full potential of computer power complicated problem solving. By using the computer, students learn to solve difficult problems even before they acquire tough mathematical vocabulary. The Geometer's Sketch pad, a kind of math software, is used in many Canadian high schools as a powerful math tutor. Students can pull and manipulate geometric figures and at the same time give them specific attributes. The next best feature of the software is a drawing document. It allows for easy drawing of perfect ellipses, rectangles and lines. Over all students' marks in the particular subject that have used helpful software have significantly increased. [mhurych@].

Computers have been used commercially for well over 50, their significant use in modern society however has never been so high. People rely on computers in every aspect of their lives. Medicine, engineering and other highly specialized fields of science use computers in their work. Computer education is very important. It builds the basis for future generations which will be more dependent on computers than we are today. The usage of computers depends mainly on the software. It is software that navigates computers through series of commands to a desired goal. Computer programs used in high schools must motivate

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