I think that seeing how China’s soil and waterways have affected many people's health should really be a wakeup call to the way we treat our environment in the U.S. as well. I don't understand why many of us continue to harm the environment even after we watch the effects unfold We have creatures and insects that are directly affected by the chemicals that have affected the environment like the pesticides we put in our soil and in the chemicals that goes in our water. We have watched bee colonies collapse because of pesticides and have learned that chemicals and pesticides affect our health and don't connect these things to make a change.
As the world looks on, people start to realize that the problem of environmental pollution is a global
They took our hoods! I think that we should be able to worst hoods in school bc,i've had mine taking away and the said that it's a sign of gan and i disagree with that statement.
Some historians argue that it started in 330 B.C.E., when Constantine became an emperor and founded a capital on Byzantium
The Earth itself is being neglected and abused by thoughtlessness and waste products of American Feed corporations. There is so much pollution that the atmosphere and Earth are being destroyed. This is a world hit by environmental disasters, the severity of which can only be read between the lines. There can only be synthesized clouds now that the atmosphere will not allow actual clouds to form and is not able to support natural weather patterns. This is a world where living creatures can no longer reproduce without assistance. And this is a world where startling
Earth, home to the beauty of blue skies and clear waters, and bearer of each delicate life form, from the moss floating atop rivers, to the lions that prowl the mesa deserts; however, Earth is also home to the most destructive life form, humans. People reap the fruit of the Earth and bask in the beauty of nature, yet for generations, the efforts to protect the environment have only declined. The pollution that is wrought upon the environment every day is too often ignored for “more important” issues, such as poverty or crime; however, protecting the literal soil that people dwell on is just as vital as patrolling the society in which they live. Environmental pollution is a growing issue in the U.S. today, caused primarily by the lack of public concern or caution, harmful chemicals used by manufacturers and farmers, and lack of government enforcement or intervention.
Water sources are susceptible to bacterial contamination from animal and human pollution sources. Pollution of waterways has significant implications on human health, especially from a pathogen perspective. Strategies are used to minimize pollution and the impact on human health. However, these methods can be limited
Many Americans have thought of places without access to clean water as third world countries, not places right here at home like Flint, Michigan with their lead infested waters. In contrary to popular belief, Flint is just one of thousands of contaminated water sites that happen right here in America and is America’s first look into the issue. This crisis was first brought to my attention when I have visited China and had a tasted of this problem, in the summer before my sophomore year of high school. In the larger cities, they have very unsafe drinking water, the tour guide (a Beijing native) does not trust the system and advises everyone to not drink water that restaurants provides you or even from water bottles because of how horrible the Chinese sewage system is. The tour guide actually provided us with a filter to filter our water. However the water in villages, such as my mom’s hometown, has to face an even devastating problem they have to face where they did not even have proper plumbing in order to conserve their water. The only source of their drinking water comes from a single well, drilled in the center of the village. If this well was to be contaminated then the people who can afford it, would have only bottled water to survive on and some who cannot will have no water until the next rainfall. In a privileged country, Americans hear about all of these stories of how people struggle but to really see it in person, it is very different and that is why this water
The initial article that I have chosen is an overview of the connection between human health and groundwater. Written by Stephen Foster and Gillian Tyson (2016), the key messages of this article are how many of us rely on groundwater, which makes us more susceptible to pollution, and the effects of pesticides and chemicals. Published by the International Association of Hydrogeologists, this article directly relates to two of the United Nation’s Sustainability Goals, which are Clean Water and Sanitation, and Good Health and Well-Being, as well as being indirectly related to many others.
Nowadays, the most critical issue is the water supply unsustainable usage. The companies do not adopt the existing technology to clear the water, their wastewater returns into the river (Economy, 2010) with no consequences. This water is toxic to the plants, human consumption even for industrial use. Inapprehensible, why they do not take account of their interests. Irresponsible water usage causing water shortages than the cities are drying out (Economy,2010). Local governments realized it is more economical to use the technology to clear their own water than get it from contaminated rivers. On the other hand, it is also causing food shortages which is why China rely on imported grain is increasing.
Scientists believe that a pleasant environment can relieve mental stress. However, there is a poor understanding of how the environment affects human health, due to lack of conclusive study in this field. The relationship between people and their environment is known as topophilia. Ogunseitan pinpoints the main characteristics of restorative landscapes in a representative population, according to the four categories connected to topophilia: synesthetic tendency (the combination of sensory stimuli and memory of a place), environmental familiarity, cognitive challenge, and ecodiversity. In Ogunseitan’s study, he assessed stressed humans using the World Health Organization’s (WHO) quality of life survey (WHOQOL-Bref). Quality of life (QOL) can be defined as someone’s satisfaction of their life, factoring in their culture, values, standards, goals, and expectations. This 26-question WHOQOL-Bref survey shows reliability across the four domains of health: physical health, psychological well-being, social relationships, and environmental support. In his study, Ogunseitan hypothesized that those with a high QOL have a higher probability paying attention to their environment, and that the preference for ecodiversity corresponds to high QOL. Ogunseitan used WHOQOL-Bref surveys that asked people about their preference for flowers, water bodies, etc. The results highlight specific characteristics of environments and landscapes that have a higher probability of increasing QOL and
People and especially scientists are worried that if America continues to allow garbage, plastic, pollution, and waste into the environment, that would result to a lot of problems and troubles in the future concerning the ecosystem and nature across the world. This originally was recognized as a problem when people around the world have found a large garbage island right in the middle of the pacific ocean. These are just what they sound like, a large area of plastic, waste, and other garbage floating around. These are created by lost cargo from ships or debris from various things. Our lazy and selfish ways will lead to disasters in animal population and the healthiness and robust to
Throughout history, humans have been polluting this earth without even knowing it; so far managing to dump over five trillion pieces of trash into the oceans, which is almost three hundred thousand tons of garbage. This harmful act is creating hazardous effects on the environment, killing over fourteen million birds, and one hundred thousand sea mammals. The environment is coming back for revenge on humans by contaminating drinking water. The quality of drinking water is getting significantly worse for humans compared to what it was one hundred years ago Where the industrial revolution created new sources of water pollution, resulting in the clean water act of nineteen forty eight. This was the first law to regulate pollution, and set the stage for how people should treat the environment. Although this law has basic fundamentals needed at that point in time, it is not a strict enough policy for today's society. From oil spills to toxic waste, humans have been inconsiderate to themselves and the environment around them, ignoring the clean water act. An example of this tragic history would be the Exxon oil spill of 1989 where a large company (Exxon Valdez) accidently spilled almost eleven million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Alaska. This single example affected the lives of billions of living organisms, not to mention the effects on humans (Corporate Pollution n.pag.). Along with these chemical spills comes the chemical trichloroethylene (TCE). This chemical is a
According to Duhigg (2009) of the New York Times, more than 100 wells were polluted by agricultural runoff within a few month time period, affecting livestock such as pigs and cows . Water pollution is a silent and deadly pollution - bacterium can be tasteless, colorless, and scentless. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2009) says that the United States has the safest water supplies in the world, but states that when water sources became contaminated, they can easily cause widespread sickness and disease from waterborne germs including Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Hepatitis A., and other pathogens. Despite progress reducing water pollution from the largest sources, our country still faces serious pollution challenges. Violations are still too widespread, and enforcement too uneven. We need to do better controlling pollution.
Water pollution has always been a concern, just thinking that some people in other countries don’t have access to clean drinking water is hard to fathom. We have unlimited access to water in the United States. Drinking water is part of my everyday life, wake
Every time we shop the personal care section in malls or beauty stores, there are countless types of products. According to the survey of 2,300 people conducted by EWG 's Skin Deep Cosmetics Database, we use nine personal products daily on average. One percent of men and twenty-five percent of women surveyed use 15 or more products every day. We use cosmetics and other personal care products without doubt of their quality and safety because we believe government and law regulate unhealthy ingredients and oversee the quality. But we barely pay attention to what we are using-- the ingredients, impact on human health and natural environment. Surprisingly, cosmetic companies are not required by the law or government to conduct any health study or product testing before selling these products. Thus, consumers are not well protected from potential harms caused cosmetics. In order to make sure we are using safe products, a green movement for cosmetics was started by some youth from high school in California. The objective of this movement was to challenge the cosmetic industry and government and require them to regulate the ingredients used in personal care products.