
Solar Photo Catalysis By Solar Photo Concentration

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By solar photo catalysis using low TiO2 concentrations
L. Prieto-Rodriguez et al., constructed the experimental setup to degrade the selected ECs (sulfamethoxazole, flumequine, carbamacepine, 2-hydroxybifenyl and progesterone) as per the figure 6. These laboratory-scale experiments were performed with 20 mg L−1 TiO2 at different light intensities and at 50 mg L−1 TiO2 over the normalized reaction time (t30W).

Figure 6: Lab-scale photoreactor, Source: (Prieto-Rodriguez et al., 2012)

Collected sample filtered and concentrated 100 times by solid-phase extraction (SPE). Concentration of selected five ECs found 100 µg L−1 each. After 100 min of reaction time (t30W), 75% of all five contaminants were degraded (up to 25 µg L−1 each) with 50 …show more content…

They composed PhtBio by 2 L Pyrex bottles containing 200 mL of a84 bloom of microalgae (Coelastrum sp. >90%). In contrast MBT was divided into three phases i.e. Hydrogen peroxide photolysis (UVC / H2O2), H2O2/TOC (total organic carbon) and catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) using granular activated carbon (GAC) (from coconut shell) (Diaz-Garduno et al., 2017).
Table 001 demonstrates a chemical removal rate of 97 ± 3 % after the MBT. Particularly, fragrances were eliminated with 100% efficiency by MBT (6932 ng/L to 0 ng/L). In case of PhtBio, fragrances and regulated compounds reduced 86% to 90% (from 137 ng/L to14ng/L) in all tested effluent (Diaz-Garduno et al., 2017). Among psychiatric drugs and stimulants, MBT removed all of the concentrations of caffeine(CAFF) and carbamazepine(CBZ) to under detection limit with 100% efficiency (5262 ng/L to 0 ng/L). Ranitidine(RANI) was removed at 71% of efficiency with another tertiary methodology like membrane bioreactor (Kovalova, Siegrist, Singer, Wittmer, & McArdell, 2012). However, in case of benzafibrate(BFIF) and fenofibrate(FENO), MBT was unable to perform well (Diaz-Garduno et al., 2017). Whereas, higher concentrations of some xenobiotics like

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