
Solitary Confinement In Prisons

Decent Essays

What is my paper about? The focus of my paper is on the punishment method of solitary confinement used in prisons and how it comes to show the transition from punishing the body to the soul.
Imprisonment in today’s world has not turned fully away from dehumanizing individuals through institution means, that is, prison are still creating circumstances that treats inmates as subhuman as they have in the past with physical beatings. Rather, the punishment has shifted from a material/tangible torture to a psychological one. By using Du Bois and Fanon, I hope to draw parallels between material and psychological racism, and the transition from physical to psychological punishment used in prisons. In addition, other outside sources that I would be using includes an analysis of solitary …show more content…

Transition (I will choose Fanon to describe how transition from the material to psychology did not change the horrific conditions of dehumanizing “subhumans.” Rather it is another form of discrimination and torture that is more difficult to erase and eliminate, that is, psychological torture and prejudice)
Barrier to equality (I will use Du Bois’ concept of the veil to describe the injustice and racism in today’s incarceration system; being confined acts similar to a veil in which separates the individual from participating in the social world, and life inside the prison may be harsh and unequal considering that racial prejudice/ racial power dynamics exist between officers and racialized inmates)
The Gaze and Surveillance (I will use Du Bois’ double consciousness and Fanon’s “gaze” and objectification to explain how racialized individuals and inmates are similar in being watched and judged constantly; their existence is being objectified by others and how they come to see themselves and their surroundings is highly influenced by others. I will also explore Foucault’s panopticon and the emergence of self surveillance - ontology

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