
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Vs Reality Therapy

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INTRODUCTION From the time of Wilhelm Wundt, who first developed an experimental apparatus to measure mental processes and Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, many more theories have been developed since then. These new theories were developed with different distinct theoretical approaches and applications, and according to Cheston, there are at least 240 new counseling theories in practice after Freud’s psychoanalytic theory (Cheston, 2000). It is not my intention to review all of these counseling theories here. In this paper, I will only compare and contrast the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and the Reality Therapy. Both of these counseling therapies, in my opinion would contribute most to biblical counseling. In this paper, …show more content…

His new found method of counseling therapy came to be known as Reality Therapy and he published a few books detailing the principles of reality therapy. Two of Glasser notable books are Control Theory in the Practice of Reality Therapy published in 1989, and Counseling with Choice Theory published in 2001. Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) was developed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg in the 1970’s and in 1978, the husband and wife team opened the Brief Family Therapy Center in Milwaukee. Subsequently SFBT has “become a major influence in the educational, social policy, business, criminal justice services, and even in child welfare [and] domestic violence offenders treatment.” De Shazer believed that SFBT can be effective when brief, like “fewer than 20 sessions.” …show more content…

These basic needs “serve as sources of all behavior.” Therefore, reality therapist often reminds the client to be responsible of his/her own behavior. The goal of the reality therapy is to help the client to evaluate their current behaviors, and to help them determine if their behaviors are able to meet their needs. If the behaviors are not effective, the reality therapist will formulate a plan of action for changing behaviors and obtain needs. Some of the steps employed by reality therapy are: 1) analyze the situation and indentify unmet need, 2) identify aspects if their problems that can be changed, 3) make plan for change, and 4) follow through on

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