
Solutions to the Clean Water Shortage Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Solutions to the Clean Water Shortage
Solution 1
The creation and development of desalination plants is a widely implemented solution to the clean water shortage. However, there are many reasons why it would be a good idea and some about why it would not.
Desalination would give us the clean water that many nations need. Many regions, particularly the Arabian peninsula, Australia, northern Africa, and South and Central Asia. It will also provide us with an extremely large source of water.
Desalination plants are expensive and is generally only affordable in middle or high income nations. The poorer countries do not have the funds to build and run desalination plants. The clean water shortage, however is shown more clearly in …show more content…

Greenhouse gases will add to the already worrying problem of Earth’s increased temperature and the greenhouse effect. Also, in the long run, if desalination occurs at a high rate for the next few centuries, eventually the ocean would run dry. It will take a very long time, but it will. The ocean contains a vast amount of water, however it is not unlimited it and it will take centuries for the ocean to replenish and on top of that, it will upset the delicate balance within the biosphere.

Solution 2
Recycling is also a solution that has been implemented in some areas and is under discussion in many others. Recycling wastewater is the use of recycled and treated wastewater for agricultural, industrial and economical uses.

Pros There are many pros to recycling water, and one of the best is that it saves drinking water. Also, greywater-which is slightly used household water other than toilet water- has been proved to be beneficial to plants, more so than drinking water. Grey Water usually contains nitrogen or phosphorus, which are plant nutrients. The use of wastewater would further preserve the limited amount of clean drinking water. Also, reusing greywater keeps it out of the sewage system, which decreases the possibility that the greywater will end up in streams, lakes and ponds. In turn, it reduces the pollution in those areas which is good for the environment. Recycling wastewater

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