Domestic violence is skyrocketing in our society. In the U.S., as many as 1.5 million women and 850,000 men were physically assaulted by their intimate partner last year, and numerous children abused by their parents. These sad criminal acts will continue to grow in our society, unless our community takes action to stop these crimes. First of all the most important tool we have available against this type of crime are the authorities, which include the police department, hospital, and social workers. If they manage to work together as a team to make the whole process of protecting a victim more efficiently, it will encourage victims to actually phone for help. It is believed that over half of the abuses remain unreported due to …show more content…
Now, after everyone is settled and calmed down, it is essential for the authorities to investigate exactly what happened and interview people to find out if there actually had been signs that acted as warnings for the events to follow. Authorities have to be extra careful in their research, since many wives just make up a scenes and stories, in order to get their innocent husbands into jail, so that they can live together with their lovers, and get the money and houses, while their husbands spend their time in jail with mass murderers! The actual happenings described above are extreme solutions for victims, and are highly effective, but usually the victims feel cautious about causing such trouble to their offender, since they fear that they will be released from prison some day, and get their revenge. Bearing this fact in mind, society must also offer other means of supporting a victim, which are not as radical. A simple hotline can work wonders in offering victims simply someone who is qualified to talk to, and can offer honest advice and back up. The sufferer can phone up for free, and just try to calm down after the crime is committed, deciding on what should be done next. In addition to handling just victims calls, the people working at such call center got to be trained to handle the
Domestic violence occurs in epidemic proportions, impacting an estimated 6.2 million American women every year, and causing more
Domestic violence is an ongoing epidemic affecting people around the world. Over the years, the problem of domestic violence has raised an abundance of questions: how serious is the issue, and what actions could be implemented to prevent it? In the article “Domestic Violence Has Been a Problem Throughout U.S. History”, it explains how the issue of domestic violence has been going on for decades; however, did not get address until recent years. The author, Cathy Young, points out there has been programs and shelters implemented, but the issue of domestic violence still remains a serious problem today. “Prevalence of Domestic Violence in the United States”, provides a
Domestic violence, alternatively referred to as Intimate Partner Violence, is defined by the Department of Justice as “a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner.” While domestic violence is commonly thought of as only physical or sexual abuse, domestic violence can also be emotional, economic, or psychological. Domestic violence has remained constant in society throughout history, even though over time society’s response to the issue has changed. While domestic violence affects everyone regardless of race, gender, age, etc. it is estimated that approximately 90% of all victims are women. For the purpose of this paper, I will be focusing on
“Every year in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of domestic violence. That means that every nine seconds a women is beaten by her domestic partner” (Findeley). There are many women that stay silent when being abuse by their partners. The consequences of staying quiet when obtaining abuse can be dangerous and can also lead to death. Many women do not recognize the importance of the fact that there is in speaking out if they are being abuse by their partner. No woman should take domestic abuse by their partners. Every woman deserves a healthy relationship; A healthy relationship involves trust, respect, and consideration for the other person. Domestic abuse has gotten worse during the past years and is still rising up. One can see that domestic abuse can occur everywhere. Domestic abuse is considered a crime and woman should not keep silent when being abuse.
There are many thing that have been proposed as a solution that work. However, there still can be improvements on those solutions because the solution does not solve all the problems that the victims of domestic abuse gained from their abusive relationship. The Domestic Abuse Hotline has been really working for victims of domestic abuse. There are many reasons why. One of the reasons why is because it is open 24 hours a day. It has also had huge success over the last 20 year. “The Hotline and loveisrespect have answered more than 4 million calls, chats and texts from people seeking help around issues of domestic violence and dating abuse”(2016 Impact Report). Also loveisrespect, a project of The Hotline, has been successful too. Just like the Hotline it is also free and confidential. Is has “helps millions of teens and 20-somethings learn about healthy relationships and dating violence”(2016 Impact Report) this shows that the loveisrespect and domestic abuse hotline has been highly successful.
Once the 1980’s came, a lot of different changes took place. If the police were called for help with domestic violence, they no longer ignored it. They would arrest and convict those who were guilty of domestic violence. If we look in today’s society although, some changes has been made on this topic; there are still a lot of work to do to prevent domestic violence and to raise awareness of this inconceivable social problem as we can see in the statistics of the state of South Caroline that makes this state No 1 for deadly violence against woman as was announced by the Washington Times in September 15, 2015.
According to statistics found by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Every nine seconds a woman is abused by her husband or intimate partner. At least 1 in every 4 women and 1 in every 9 men have been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in their lifetime. Most often the abuser is one of their own family. Domestic violence is a problem that somehow affects every one of us in this room at some time and is actually the leading cause of injury to women -- more than car accidents, muggings and rapes combined.
“Every year, in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of reported domestic violence. Every year, 4,000 victims of domestic violence are killed.” (Domestic Violence: Disturbing Facts about Domestic Violence). Domestic violence is a crime that is not just committed in the United States, but worldwide. This crime is committed every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. Anybody can be a victim or the abuser. This can happen to any child, man or woman. This is a horrific crime. Women are more likely to be the victim in domestic violence than men. “Forty-five percent of all violent attacks against female victims 12 years old and older by multiple
Domestic abuse in the United States is a large-scale and complex social and health problem. The home is the most violent setting in America today (Lay, 1994). Sadly enough, the majority of people who are murdered are not likely killed by a stranger during a hold-up or similar crime but are killed by someone they know. Not surprisingly, the Center for Disease Control and prevention has identified interpersonal violence as a major public health problem (Velson-Friedrich, 1994). Current estimates suggest that three to four million women are the victims of physical abuse by their intimate partners (Harris & Cook, 1994). According to the FBI, some form of domestic violence occurs in half of the homes in the United States at least once a
Now there are other consequences that the victims face with this social problem for example: they are threatened from customers, pimps, brothel owners, madams, traffickers, and corrupt local law enforcement officials. Even after the torture some victims have endured they are giving very little assistance and social services for the government (Wikipedia org. March 2016). This should not be the way that any individual should be treated, after possibly having a great portion of their lives taken from them by a total stranger or people that they know. They should be able to feel a sense of caring once reintroduced back into the community and not feel shameful. Education is the most direct influence to battle against human trafficking. Letting victims know that they can be empowered and take their lives back even after being held captive for a
The victims of human trafficking, although they suffer greatly May it be Mentally, Physically and psychologically, they rarely find the help and attention of authorities they need. There are a variety of reasons why these victims remain hidden from authorities and the most obvious one is their inability to leave their place of employment since is it generally prohibited and highly restricted. Victims are hardly left alone and unsupervised, they are prohibited to use any form of communication like telephones, and are most especially fearful that if they unsuccessfully try to escape or inform others of their circumstances they will be subjected to violence by their employers and treated in worse conditions than before. Most victims trafficked
A human trafficking rescue center, the National Human Trafficking Resource Center, has a hotline number, 1-888-373-7888 . A person can call that number for help or they can text help to the six digit number given (“National”). However, this center is only one of the centers for human trafficking. Other centers include the You Are Not Alone Incorporation, the Emancipation Network, Free The Slaves, Safe Horizon, the Polaris Project and The Door. A person who suspects that something is happening can call or someone taken into human trafficking can call if he or she are able to get access to a phone. The individual seeking help could call the police or the rescue center, but the police could not believe that they are telling the truth. The chance
Domestic Violence is a critical issue negatively impacting women in the world today. There has to be something done to prevent this type of abuse from happening. The results of my research revealed that there are many victims that do not know the type of help that is available and there needs to be major improvement in the way domestic violence cases are handled. Based on my findings, awareness and prevention programs should be implemented in every state in order prevent this type of abuse from happening over and over. Also, each program must be monitored to ensure they are following the proper guidelines in order to better serve the victims and their families.
The girl heard in the 911 call recording seems to be in imminent danger from exposure of domestic violence. Throughout the recording she sounds terrified as she is hysterically screaming and crying. She tells the operator that her mother and father are fighting and later noted that “this has been going on forever and ever.” Both the girl and the mother could be heard screaming “stop it.” During the recording the the girl also screams out “stop it, you are going to hurt the baby” which indicates that there is a baby who is also at risk. The girl stated that her mother has red marks on her neck. Most disturbingly, the girl screams out at the top of her lungs “oh my God, mommy” just prior to the phone disconnecting, leaving the listener to wonder what has just happened and if the mother is OK.
“Human trafficking is a hidden crime as victims rarely come forward to seek help because of language barriers, fear of the traffickers, and/or fear of law enforcement” (Department of Homeland Security, 2017). Some victims are paralyzed with fear, fear of coming forward,