
Some Similarities And Differences Between The Frank's And The Van Daan

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What are some similarities and some differences between the Frank’s and the Van Daan’s marriage? I think they are a lot of likes and differences between the two families. The only thing they will have to do is to read and recognize what they are reading. Both families are both German and there is a lot more likes and differences. The first way I think they are similar is they both have children. The Van Dann’s Child’s name is peter, which is a boy. The Frank’s children’s names are Margot Frank, and Anne Frank, who are both girls. The second way I find them similar is they are both protective of their children. The Franks told the Van Daan’s in the book they would rather starve than let their children be hungry. The Van Daan’s had many talks with their son, Peter of how to treat girls when he is dating them that is because he likes Anne Frank. …show more content…

In a part of the book the Franks did not want to bring their cat because they knew they was going to be short of food. Peter brought his cat with him into hiding and Mr. Van Daan wanted to get rid of their cat when Mrs. Van Daan wanted to keep the cat. Another way I find the two families different is the Van Daans stole food. In a part of the book the Van Daans stole bread from their family and the Franks. After they stole the Franks told the Van Daans they would rather starve than steal from their children. At the end of the book the Van Daans broke into the safe, where all the food was and stole bread from all the families. They were much likes and differences. I think the Franks care more about their children than the Van Daans do! I think that because even though the Franks were hungry they did not steal from their own children. Both Families have good relationships with their children and in both families the children feel safe to talk to the parents. That is how I feel about the book, but is an

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