
Something More Pleasant

Decent Essays

“Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?” is the first graphic memoir of Roz Chast. In the book, she brings her humor and seriousness to the topic of aging parents. George, her father, died at 95 and her mother, Elizabeth, at 97. In the book we can see different incidences where her stubborn parents stick to their old fashioned ideas. For example, when George broke his hip bone, he refused to go to physiotherapy and that unfortunately led to his death. Elizabeth refuses to talk about death especially at George’s final days. I chose this book because I can relate to it, not because of my parents like Roz, but because of my grade-grandparents. This paper is about how people fade when becoming older, how their bodies react and what are …show more content…

I recall them having troubles remembering our names and our relation with them – they called me “mom” several times. Meeting them was always a bittersweet experience; we all loved seeing them and speding time with them but at the same time having to explain who we are every time and seeing the condition they were in was displeasing. Li-Chan Lin, Roger Watson and Shiao-Chi Wu mentioned in the article “What is associated with low food intake in older people with dementia?” that dementia patients usually have great difficulty in meeting common self-care needs, which can include maintaining a sufficient intake of fluids and food. Generally, people with dementia suffer from lack of appetite, loss of the ability to recognize food, confusion about they need to eat and how much they should. Those events result in a decrease of food intake or failure to eat at all which is followed by weight change (Li-Chan Lin, Roger Watson and Shiao-Chi Wu). In the same research 142 out of the 477 subjects (30.7%) had frequent problems with low food intake, additionally 293 subjects (61.4%) had difficulties with eating. The percentages are pretty high which concludes that people with dementia lose weight quickly as they are not able to feed themselves. Not being able to receive the appropriate nutrients will make the body weak and this most of the times can result into health problems, this is a strong example of how people weaken through the

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